The APPBUFSIZEDYN statement specifies whether to enable dynamic application buffer sizing.
The DBMOVER APPBUFSIZE statement defines the initial size of the application buffer for all connections made during a PowerExchange Listener run. If APPBUFSIZEDYN=Y, PowerExchange resizes the application buffers for individual connection as needed.
The APPBUFSIZEDYN statement applies to PowerExchange connections to data sources with either fixed-length or variable-length records. A variable-length record is a record with at least one variable-length field. A variable-length field has a datatype of VARCHAR or VARBIN.
For each connection to a data source with variable-length records, PowerExchange resizes the application buffer when it encounters a record that is too large to fit into the buffer. PowerExchange increases the size of the application buffer to a value of ten times the size of the record that has overflowed, up to the maximum application buffer size of 8 MB. The new size remains in effect for the duration of the Listener run or until the application buffer is resized again. PowerExchange never decreases the application buffer size for a connection after the Listener run has started.
For each connection to a data source with fixed-length records, PowerExchange determines the record length when the connection is opened and resizes the application buffer once, up to the maximum application buffer size of 8 MB, as needed.
PowerExchange does not perform dynamic application buffer sizing.