Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

Issuing a Library Refresh Request from the i5/OS Console

Issuing a Library Refresh Request from the i5/OS Console

After you add or delete libraries, issue a SNDPWXJRNE refresh request to update the CDC library interest list.
Check with your i5/OS system security administrator to verify that you have the proper authority to issue the SNDPWXJRNE command. The required security level is the same as for other PowerExchange-supplied commands for i5/OS. If you do not have the proper authority, the operating system will issue an error message.
Also verify that you configured the required DBMOVER parameters and specified the library name override of the asterisk (*) wildcard in the PowerCenter
Library/File Override
session property for the CDC sessions.
  1. In the i5/OS console, enter SNDPWXJRNE at the command line.
    Send PWX Journal Entry (SNDPWXJRNE)
    panel appears.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    Journal and Library Name
    Required. The qualified name of the user journal to which the registered table (file) is journaled.
    • For
      , enter the name of the user journal to contain the journal entry for the *ADDLIB or *DLTLIB request.
    • For
      Library Name
      , specify the library name where the journal resides, or enter *LIBL to search all libraries in the library list until the first match is found.
    Required. One of the following options:
    • *ADDLIB
      for an add library request. Refreshes the CDC library interest list for current capture processes that read journal entries for the registered table (file) from the same journal. The refresh is triggered when the capture processes encounter the journal entry for the refresh operation.
    • *DLTLIB
      for a delete library request. Removes the names of the deleted libraries from the CDC library interest list for current capture processes.
    Request Library Name
    Required. The names of the libraries that you added or deleted. You can enter up to 80 library names.
    For an *ADDLIB request, the CDC library interest list will contain only the libraries that have a journaled table instance when the refresh request is issued.
    Event Identifier
    Optional. An event identifier such as ADDLIB #1 that helps identify when an interest list refresh request has been processed for an add library or delete library event. If you define the AS400EVENTMSGQ statement in the DBMOVER configuration member, messages DTL3003 and DTL3004, which contain this identifier, are written to the event message queue.
  3. Press Enter.
    PowerExchange performs the following processing:
    • Validates that 1) the journal exists in the specified library, 2) the request type is *ADDLIB or *DLTLIB, and 3) the libraries specified in the
      Request Library Name
      field exist and are not repeated in the same request. Also, if you specified an
      Event Identifier
      value, the command verifies that the AS400EVENTMSGQ statement is defined in the DBMOVER configuration member.
    • If you are
      using the default journal entry type codes for the refresh request, retrieves the codes that you defined in the AS400USRJRNCODE statement in the DBMOVER member.
    • Sends the journal entry to the journal for processing by the CAPI.
    • Sends audit messages for the refresh request to the PowerExchange message log. Also, if you specified the AS400EVENTMSGQ statement, sends an event message to the event message queue to mark the add library or delete library event.


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