Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

Starting PowerExchange Condense

Starting PowerExchange Condense

Use the SBMJOB command to start the PowerExchange Condense DTLCACON program.
Before starting PowerExchange Condense, complete the following tasks:
  • Configure the DBMOVER and CAPTPARM configuration members.
  • Verify that the capture registrations for the DB-TYPE and DBID that you want to use for the current run were added to the CCT file. If necessary, you can disable or delete registrations in the PowerExchange Navigator.
  • Verify that the checkpoint files are in the correct state. If you need to cold start PowerExchange Condense, verify that no checkpoint files exist for the CHKPT_BASENAME mask in the CAPTPARM member.
  • For a cold start, configure the start point. The start point depends on the RESTART_TOKEN and SEQUENCE_TOKEN parameter settings in the CAPTPARM member:
    • If the RESTART_TOKEN and SEQUENCE_TOKEN parameters are not defined, PowerExchange Condense starts from the current position in the journal.
    • If the RESTART_TOKEN and SEQUENCE_TOKEN parameters are set to zero, PowerExchange Condense starts from the beginning of the journal. In this case, PowerExchange Condense might reprocess data from previous runs.
    • If the RESTART_TOKEN and SEQUENCE_TOKEN parameters specify valid non-zero values, PowerExchange Condense starts from the point that is defined by the token values.
In the SBMJOB command, you can include the optional CONFIG and LICENSE parameters to specify an override configuration file or license key file that you want to use instead of the default DBMOVER configuration file or license.key file. The override files must have a file name or path that is different from that of the default files. These override files take precedence over any override configuration and license key files that you specified in the optional PWX_CONFIG and PWX_LICENSE environment variables.
To start PowerExchange Condense on the same subsystem as the PowerExchange Listener, use the following command syntax:
)]’ ‘[CONFIG=
])’) JOB(
This syntax includes the following variables:
  • jobname
    is the job name.
  • datalib
    is the user-specified name for the PowerExchange data library that was entered at installation.
  • In the CS parameter, you can specify
    is the name of the library that contains the PowerExchange Condense files. To run a job for each journal that PowerExchange Condense processes, specify the appropriate
    library name.
  • To prevent the system job table from exceeding its maximum size, the job description specifies SPLFACN(*DETACH). Because this is not the system default, including the SPLFACN(*JOBD) parameter ensures that the parameter is specified correctly.
In the syntax, you can specify one or more of the following optional parameters:
Specifies the library, file name, and member name for any condense configuration member that you created and want to use instead of the default
/CFGCOND(CAPTPARM) configuration member.
Specifies the library, file name, and member name of any override dbmover configuration member that you created and want to use instead of the default
/CFG(DBMOVER) configuration member.
Specifies the library, file name, and member name for any override license key member that you created and want to use instead of the default license key member.
In these parameters, the full path is required only if the member does not reside at the default location.
After the SBMJOB command is submitted, the DTLCACON program submits the following jobs:
Command Handler (DTLCCMDH) Condense (DTLCCNDS)
You cannot use the pwxcmd program to start PowerExchange Condense.


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