Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Utilities
  3. createdatamaps - Data Map Creation Utility
  4. DTLCCADW - Adabas PCAT Utility
  5. DTLCUIML - IMS Log Marker Utility
  6. DTLINFO - Release Information Utility
  7. DTLINFOX - Enhanced Release Information Utility
  8. DTLREXE - Remote Execution Utility
  9. DTLUAPPL - Restart Token Utility
  10. DTLUCBRG - Batch Registration Utility
  11. DTLUCDEP - CDEP Maintenance Utility
  12. DTLUCSR2 - IDMS SR2 and SR3 Records Utility
  13. DTLUCUDB - DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows CDC Utility
  14. DTLULCAT and DTLULOGC - IDMS Log Catalog Utilities
  15. DTLURDMO - Data Map Utility
  16. DTLUTSK - Task Control Utility
  17. EDMLUCTR - Log Scan and Print Utility
  18. EDMUOPTS - Service Aid Utility
  19. EDMXLUTL - Event Marker Utility
  20. HOSTENT - TCP/IP Address Reporter Utility
  21. PWXCATMY - MySQL Catalog Utility
  22. PWXUCCLPRT - Print Log Summary Utility
  23. PWXUCDCT - Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Utility
  24. PWXUCREG - Capture Registration Utility
  25. PWXUMAP - Map List Utility
  26. PWXUCRGP - Capture Registrations Print Utility
  27. PWXUDMX - Data Maps Update Time ECSA Memory Utility
  28. PWXUGSK - SSL Reporting Utility
  29. PWXUSSL - PowerExchange SSL Reporting Utility
  30. WRKJRNLCKE- Journal Lock Table Utility for IBM i
  31. ZOSTOUCH - Set Last Referenced Date Utility for z/OS

createdatamaps Command Syntax

createdatamaps Command Syntax

The infacmd pwx createdatamaps command uses the following syntax:
infacmd pwx createdatamaps [<-pwxLocation|-loc> pwx_location] [<-pwxUserName|-pun> pwx_user_name] [<-pwxPassword|-ppd> pwx_password] [<-pwxEncryptedPassword|-epwd> pwx_encrypted_password] [<-datamapOutputDir|-dod> datamap_output_directory] [<-replace|-r> replace_existing_datamaps <-controlFile|-cf> file_path_for_control_file [<-logFile|-lf> file_path_for_log_file] [<-verbosity|-v> logging_verbosity]
The following table describes infacmd pwx createdatamaps options and arguments:
Optional. The location of the data source as specified in a NODE statement in the PowerExchange dbmover configuration file. If pwxLocation is not specified, the createdatamaps utility accesses the copybook and DBD metadata on the local file system.
If you configure the control file to find record IDs, pwxLocation is required.
Optional. The user ID for connecting to the PowerExchange Listener, if pwxLocation is specified.
Optional. Password for connecting to the PowerExchange Listener, if pwxLocation is specified.
Instead of a password, you can enter a valid PowerExchange passphrase. Passphrases for accessing a PowerExchange Listener on z/OS can be from 9 to 128 characters in length and can contain the following characters:
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters
  • The numbers 0 to 9
  • Spaces
  • The following special characters:
    ’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
    The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or currency symbols.
If a passphrase contains spaces, you must enclose it with double-quotation marks ("), for example,
"This is an example passphrase"
. If a passphrase contains special characters, you must enclose it with triple double-quotation characters ("""), for example,
"""This passphrase contains special characters ! % & *."""
. If a passphrase contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces, you can enter it without delimiters.
On z/OS, a valid RACF passphrase can be up to 100 characters in length. PowerExchange truncates passphrases longer than 100 characters when passing them to RACF for validation.
To use passphrases, ensure that the PowerExchange Listener runs with a security setting of SECURITY=(1,N) or higher in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see "SECURITY Statement" in the
PowerExchange Reference Manual
Optional. Encrypted password for connecting to the PowerExchange Listener, if pwxLocation is specified.
If the PowerExchange Listener runs on a z/OS or i5/OS system, you can enter an encrypted PowerExchange passphrase instead of an encrypted password. Do not encrypt a passphrase that contains characters that are not valid, such as double-quotation marks, single quotation marks, or currency symbols.
Optional. The local file directory to which to write the output data maps. Default is the current working directory.
Optional. Specifies whether to replace existing data maps.
If replace=Y, replaces any data maps in datamap_output_directory that have the same name as the data map that you are creating.
If replace=N, skips the creation of a data map if a data map with the same name already exists in datamap_output_directory.
Default is N.
Required. Path and file name of the control file that controls data map generation.
Optional. Path and file name of the output log file. Default is STDOUT.
Optional. Verbosity for log files. Default is INFO. Valid values:
  • DEBUG. Most detailed logging. Might show stack traces.
  • INFO. Informational messages.
  • WARN. Indicates a potential problem.
  • ERROR. Indicates a failure. Processing continues.
  • FATAL. Indicates a fatal condition. Process terminates.
The PowerExchange node name and credentials are optional. If you do not include the pwxLocation option, the command accesses the local file system directly to read metadata. In this case, PowerExchange does not need to be installed on the machine on which you run createdatamaps.


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