Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Utilities
  3. createdatamaps - Data Map Creation Utility
  4. DTLCCADW - Adabas PCAT Utility
  5. DTLCUIML - IMS Log Marker Utility
  6. DTLINFO - Release Information Utility
  7. DTLINFOX - Enhanced Release Information Utility
  8. DTLREXE - Remote Execution Utility
  9. DTLUAPPL - Restart Token Utility
  10. DTLUCBRG - Batch Registration Utility
  11. DTLUCDEP - CDEP Maintenance Utility
  12. DTLUCSR2 - IDMS SR2 and SR3 Records Utility
  13. DTLUCUDB - DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows CDC Utility
  14. DTLULCAT and DTLULOGC - IDMS Log Catalog Utilities
  15. DTLURDMO - Data Map Utility
  16. DTLUTSK - Task Control Utility
  17. EDMLUCTR - Log Scan and Print Utility
  18. EDMUOPTS - Service Aid Utility
  19. EDMXLUTL - Event Marker Utility
  20. HOSTENT - TCP/IP Address Reporter Utility
  21. PWXCATMY - MySQL Catalog Utility
  22. PWXUCCLPRT - Print Log Summary Utility
  23. PWXUCDCT - Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Utility
  24. PWXUCREG - Capture Registration Utility
  25. PWXUMAP - Map List Utility
  26. PWXUCRGP - Capture Registrations Print Utility
  27. PWXUDMX - Data Maps Update Time ECSA Memory Utility
  28. PWXUGSK - SSL Reporting Utility
  29. PWXUSSL - PowerExchange SSL Reporting Utility
  30. WRKJRNLCKE- Journal Lock Table Utility for IBM i
  31. ZOSTOUCH - Set Last Referenced Date Utility for z/OS



This topic summarizes the commands that you can issue to the PWXUCDCT utility, including any command-specific parameters.
The following table describes each command:
Command-specific Parameters
If you upgrade to 9.5.1 HotFix 1 or later from an earlier release, you can issue this command to manually perform a one-time conversion of the CDCT file to the new format. Alternatively, the first time the PowerExchange Logger is warm started, it automatically converts the CDCT file to the new format.
The conversion creates a CDCT_
file instance from the original CDCT file. Ensure that the
value in the CDCT file name matches the DBID parameter value in the PowerExchange Logger pwxccl configuration file under which you run the command.
If the old CDCT file contains information for multiple database instances, you must run this command multiple times, once for each instance. Each time you run the command, ensure that the CS parameter points to the correct pwxccl configuration file for the instance.
Manually creates a backup of all records in a CDCT file instance for a source database based on the latest configuration incarnation.
value in the CDCT file name must match the DBID parameter value in the pwxccl configuration file.
The PowerExchange Logger automatically generates a backup at initialization and at termination.
This command is deprecated but is still supported for backward compatibility. Use DELETE_EXPIRED_FILES instead.
Deletes the log files for which the retention period has expired and the CDCT records that reference those expired logs. For this command to work, you must set the LOGGER_DELETES_EXPIRED_CDCT_RECORDS parameter to N in the pwxccl configuration file.
If you set the LOGGER_DELETES_EXPIRED_CDCT_RECORDS parameter to Y, or if you do not specify this parameter, the command does not work.
Deletes PowerExchange Logger log files that are not referenced by any record in the CDCT file.
If the CDCT file is corrupted or deleted, and if a recent CDCT backup is not available or the latest available backup would result in significant reprocessing of data, use this command to derive a backup file for recovery purposes.
The command uses the EXTERNAL_CAPTURE_MASK parameter value from the PowerExchange Logger configuration file or the
positional parameter from the group definition file to generate a list of PowerExchange Logger log files. The command then uses the content of these log files to generate a text file that can be used as input to the RESTORE CDCT command.
Do not use this command if the PowerExchange Logger log files were also corrupted or deleted.
Use the PREVBACKUPFILE parameter to supply the name of the last available backup file. By using a previous backup file, you preserve more historic information in the CDCT file. The utility will add any log files that were created since the backup was taken to the derived backup file.
Prints the contents of the CDCT file. This information is primarily for debugging purposes.
For the current Logger configuration incarnation, the report shows:
  • Incarnation identifier, status, and reason (Rsn) for creation. The reason can be a cold start or a change in the configuration.
  • Source instance (or DBID) name and image type.
  • Number of groups defined in the group definition file. If no groups are defined, the default of 1 is used.
  • Type of AES encryption algorithm, if log file encryption is enabled.
  • Begin and end restart and sequence tokens.
For each Logger group, the report shows:
  • Group number and name.
  • Incarnation to which the group belongs.
  • Path to the group log files.
  • Registration count.
  • Log file count, and the first and current log sequence numbers.
  • Status
  • Oldest log file timestamp.
For each registration, the report shows:
  • Registration tag name and status.
  • Incarnation and group to which the registration belongs.
  • Activation date and inactivation date, if available.
  • Default schema name.
For each PowerExchange Logger log file, the report shows:
  • Log file path and file name, and sequence number.
  • Configuration incarnation and group to which the log file belongs.
  • File open and close timestamps.
  • Record count, commit count, and whether the log file contains uncommitted data.
  • Whether the log file is encrypted, and a value used to test the encryption key.
  • Status and Fmt version.
  • Begin and end restart tokens.
Reports the following information for each PowerExchange Logger log file that is recorded in the CDCT file:
  • Log file path and file name, and sequence number.
  • Configuration incarnation and group to which the log file belongs.
  • File open and close timestamps.
  • Record count, commit count, and whether the log file contains uncommitted data.
  • Whether the log file is encrypted, and a value used to test the encryption key.
  • Status and Fmt version.
  • Begin and end restart tokens.
This information is the same that reported in the CCL Files section of the REPORT_CDCT report.
Lists the parameter settings that are defined in the associated PowerExchange Logger pwxccl configuration file.
If you created a group definition file and specified it in the GROUPDEFS parameter in the pwxccl file, the command also reports the group statements in the group definition file.
This command is deprecated but is still supported for backward compatibility. Use REPORT_EXPIRED_FILES instead.
Lists the PowerExchange Logger log files for which the retention period has elapsed.
Lists PowerExchange Logger log files by file name. This information is based on directory information for the log files and not on the CDCT file.
For each file, the command reports the following information:
  • Date and time when the file was written.
  • Sequence number
  • Path and file name.
Also, the command reports the number of log files that match the default mask that is specified in the EXT_CAPT_MASK parameter of the pwxccl configuration file. If you specified a group definition file in the GROUPDEFS parameter of the pwxccl file, the command reports the number of log files that match any masks in the group definition file.
The PowerExchange Logger generates log file names that include the EXT_CAPT_MASK value, the date and time, and a sequential number. For example: MYMASK.CND.CP090813.T1748013, where 090813 is MMDDYY, 1748 is HHMM, and 013 is the generated sequential number.
Lists PowerExchange Logger log files in the order in which they were created, from earliest to latest. This information is based on directory information for the log files and not on the CDCT file.
For each file, the command reports the following information:
  • Date and time when the file was written.
  • Sequence number of the file.
  • Path and file name.
Also, the command reports the number of log files that match the default mask that is specified in the EXT_CAPT_MASK parameter of the pwxccl configuration file. If you specified a group definition file in the GROUPDEFS parameter of the pwxccl file, the command also reports the number of log files that match any masks in the group definition file.
Lists PowerExchange Logger log files that are not referenced by any record in the CDCT file.
Restores the CDCT file from a backup, up to a specific point in time. The PowerExchange Logger will reprocess any data that is later than this point in time.
After the restore operation completes, run the DELETE_ORPHAN_FILES command.
1. Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets.
Also, you can specify the following global parameters on any PWXUCDCT utility command: CONFIG, CS, and LICENSE. Informatica recommends that you include the CS parameter in each command statement because each command must run under a specific PowerExchange Logger configuration. Otherwise, the utility uses the default PowerExchange Logger configuration file in the installation directory.


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