Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Utilities
  3. createdatamaps - Data Map Creation Utility
  4. DTLCCADW - Adabas PCAT Utility
  5. DTLCUIML - IMS Log Marker Utility
  6. DTLINFO - Release Information Utility
  7. DTLINFOX - Enhanced Release Information Utility
  8. DTLREXE - Remote Execution Utility
  9. DTLUAPPL - Restart Token Utility
  10. DTLUCBRG - Batch Registration Utility
  11. DTLUCDEP - CDEP Maintenance Utility
  12. DTLUCSR2 - IDMS SR2 and SR3 Records Utility
  13. DTLUCUDB - DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows CDC Utility
  14. DTLULCAT and DTLULOGC - IDMS Log Catalog Utilities
  15. DTLURDMO - Data Map Utility
  16. DTLUTSK - Task Control Utility
  17. EDMLUCTR - Log Scan and Print Utility
  18. EDMUOPTS - Service Aid Utility
  19. EDMXLUTL - Event Marker Utility
  20. HOSTENT - TCP/IP Address Reporter Utility
  21. PWXCATMY - MySQL Catalog Utility
  22. PWXUCCLPRT - Print Log Summary Utility
  23. PWXUCDCT - Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Utility
  24. PWXUCREG - Capture Registration Utility
  25. PWXUMAP - Map List Utility
  26. PWXUCRGP - Capture Registrations Print Utility
  27. PWXUDMX - Data Maps Update Time ECSA Memory Utility
  28. PWXUGSK - SSL Reporting Utility
  29. PWXUSSL - PowerExchange SSL Reporting Utility
  30. WRKJRNLCKE- Journal Lock Table Utility for IBM i
  31. ZOSTOUCH - Set Last Referenced Date Utility for z/OS

Registration-specific Commands

Registration-specific Commands

Issue the following commands to suspend, reactivate, and delete capture registrations and to display information about registrations. All commands except for the DISPLAY_REGISTRATION command apply to database types with a z/OS ECCR.
Reactivates a capture registration that has a status of Suspended so that the ECCR resumes change capture for the registered source. Also sets an activation timestamp in current system time, not adjusted for local time, to indicate the end of the suspension window.
Issue this command only for registrations that were previously suspended with the SUSPEND_REGISTRATION command.
This command applies to database types with a z/OS ECCR.This command can apply to multiple registrations if you specify GENERIC=Y and enter the asterisk (*) wildcard only or a string that ends with the wildcard in the REGISTRATION_NAME or, in the REGISTRATION_NAME or DATABASE_INSTANCE parameter.
Cancels a previous ACTIVATE_REGISTRATION request before you refresh the ECCR for the activation. Also sets the registration status back to Suspended.
This command can apply to multiple registrations if you specify GENERIC=Y and enter the asterisk (*) wildcard, or a string followed by the wildcard, in the REGISTRATION_NAME or DATABASE_INSTANCE parameter.
To cancel the reactivation action for all registrations that were specified in the previous ACTIVATE_REGISTRATION command, specify the same parameter values as in the ACTIVATE_REGISTRATION.
Cancels a previous SUSPEND_REGISTRATION command before you refresh the ECCR. Also resets the registration status to Active and resets the start and end times for the suspension window.
This command can apply to multiple registrations if you specify GENERIC=Y and enter the asterisk (*) wildcard, or a string followed by the wildcard, in the REGISTRATION_NAME or DATABASE_INSTANCE parameter.
To cancel the suspension action for all registrations that were specified in the previous SUSPEND_REGISTRATION command, specify the same parameter values as in the SUSPEND_REGISTRATION command.
Delete registrations that are not in use from the capture environment. You can delete the registrations that are not in use on any database type on any machine.
You can issue the DELETE_INACTIVE_REGISTRATION command with filters for the following status codes:
  • H
    . History. The registration is no longer in use.
  • I
    . Inactive. The registration has not yet been activated for use.
  • N
    . Not Live. The registration has the status of H or I so is not being used for change data capture.
You can also issue DELETE_INACTIVE_REGISTRATION command with the following parameters to filter the registrations:
    • ADA for Adabas
    • AS4 for Db2 for i
    • DB2 for Db2 for z/OS
    • DCM for Datacom table-based sources
    • HAN for SAP HANA on Linux, UNIX, or Windows
    • IDL for IDMS log-based sources
    • IMS for IMS log-based and synchronous sources on z/OS
    • MSS for Microsoft SQL Server on Windows
    • MYS for MySQL on Linux, UNIX, or Windows
    • ORA for Oracle on Linux, UNIX, or Windows
    • PQS for PostgreSQL on Linux, UNIX, or Windows
    • UDB for Db2 on Linux, UNIX, or Windows
    • VSM for VSAM on z/OS
    Default is the asterisk (*) wildcard, which means all database types are selected.
  • LAST_UPDATED_BEFORE_DATE. A date to use for filtering the registrations to delete. Delete registrations that were last updated earlier than the specified date.
Displays registration status information before or after another command that changes registration status so that you can verify the status change. This information includes the current registration status setting and the activation and suspension timestamps. The timestamps are in current system time and not adjusted for local time.
This command does not support the GENERIC parameter or the global GENERIC parameter of the SET_CONTROL_VALUE command. This command can display status information for multiple registrations without the GENERIC parameter.
Instead of specifying this command in the JCL input stream multiple times, you can specify the global SET_CONTROL_VALUE keyword with the DISPLAY_REGISTRATION_BEFORE_COMMAND and DISPLAY_REGISTRATION_ AFTER_COMMAND parameters. These global parameters automatically display the registration status information before and after each command that changes the registration status.
Sets a special suspension window that enables you to begin change capture for a registration from the current system time. The suspension window extends from the earliest available point in the change stream to the current system time. The ECCR discards change records that have timestamps within the suspension window. Often, this command is used for new registrations that were activated for the first time from the PowerExchange Navigator.
This command can apply to multiple registrations if you specify GENERIC=Y and enter the asterisk (*) wildcard, or a string followed by the wildcard, in the REGISTRATION_NAME or DATABASE_INSTANCE parameter.
Clears any activation and suspension timestamps that define the current suspension window and resets the registration status to Active.
This command can apply to multiple registrations if you specify GENERIC=Y and enter the asterisk (*) wildcard, or a string followed by the wildcard, in the REGISTRATION_NAME or DATABASE_INSTANCE parameter.
Suspends a capture registration that has a status of Active so that the ECCR stops capturing changes for the registered source. Also sets a suspension timestamp in current system time, not adjusted for local time, to indicate the start of the suspension window.
This command can apply to multiple registrations if you specify GENERIC=Y and enter the asterisk (*) wildcard, or a string followed by the wildcard, in the REGISTRATION_NAME or DATABASE_INSTANCE parameter.


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