Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

PowerExchange Event Message Queue

PowerExchange Event Message Queue

You can specify an event message queue to which PowerExchange writes certain i5/OS-specific messages in the AS400EVENTMSGQ statement in the DBMOVER configuration member.
To write messages to this queue, you must specify one or more of the following parameters in the AS4J CAPI_CONNECTION statement:
If you specify AS4JRNEXIT=Y, PowerExchange writes message DTL3001 to the queue after an extraction finishes processing of a journal receiver and before it starts reading the first journal entry in the next journal receiver on the chain:
DTL3001 The application
finished processing entries from receiver
in library
PowerExchange writes the DTL3001 message for each PowerExchange Condense job that runs in continuous extraction mode or each change data extraction that runs in real-time extraction mode. Therefore, you might see multiple DTL3001 messages on the event message queue for the same journal receiver. Because PowerExchange writes DTL3001 messages only for extractions that successfully process a journal receiver, you can use these messages to determine when it is safe to delete a journal receiver. However, before you delete a journal receiver, consider the following guidelines:
  • Do not delete a journal receiver until all real-time change data extractions finish extracting change data from the receiver.
  • PowerExchange might need previous journal receivers to restart a change data extraction. Do not delete a journal receiver until the restart tokens for all of the CDC sessions or PowerExchange Condense jobs that process the receiver no longer reference the receiver.
  • PowerExchange does not remove messages from the event message queue. After you delete a journal receiver, remove the messages about that receiver from the message queue.
If you specify ALWLIBRFSH=Y, PowerExchange writes message DTL3003 for an add library event or message DTL3004 for a delete library event to the queue after you issue the SNDPWXJRNE command with an
Event Identifier
DTL3003 PowerExchange has processed add event
. DTL3004 PowerExchange has processed delete event
This SNDPWXJRNE command triggers refresh processing of the CDC library interest list for an add library event (*ADDLIB) or delete library event (*DLTLIB), with minimal interruption to real-time extraction processing and PowerCenter workflows. Use this command if you have multiple instances of a DB2 for i5/OS source table that are journaled to the same user journal and you routinely add or delete libraries that contain a table instance.
If you specify ALWCLRPFM=Y, PowerExchange writes message DTL3002 to the queue if PowerExchange encounters a journal entry for a CLRPFM command:
DTL3002 The application
ignored operation
on file
in library
to continue PowerExchange CDC processing.
PowerExchange does not replicate CLRPFM operations on i5/OS files.


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