Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.4.0
  3. Part 2: Version 10.2.2
  4. Part 3: Version 10.2.1
  5. Part 4: Version 10.2
  6. Part 5: Version 10.1.1
  7. Part 6: Version 10.1

Cloudera Navigator Resources

Cloudera Navigator Resources

Effective in version 10.1.1, Cloudera Navigator resources have the following behavior changes:
Incremental loading changes
Incremental loading for Cloudera Navigator resources is disabled by default. Previously, incremental loading was enabled by default.
When incremental loading is enabled, Metadata Manager performs a full metadata load when the Cloudera administrator invokes a purge operation in Cloudera Navigator after the last successful metadata load.
Additionally, there are new guidelines that explain when you might want to disable incremental loading.
Search query changes
You can use the search query to exclude entity types besides HDFS entities from the metadata load. For example, you can use the search query to exclude YARN or Oozie job executions.
Data lineage changes
To reduce complexity of the data lineage diagram, Metadata Manager has the following changes:
  • Metadata Manager no longer displays data lineage for Hive query template parts. You can run data lineage analysis on Hive query templates instead.
  • For partitioned Hive tables, Metadata Manager displays data lineage links between each column in the table and the parent directory that contains the related HDFS entities. Previously, Metadata Manager displayed a data lineage link between each column and each related HDFS entity.
For more information about Cloudera Navigator resources, see the "Database Management Resources" chapter in the
Informatica 10.1.1 Metadata Manager Administrator Guide


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