Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Profiles
  3. Part 2: Profiling with Informatica Analyst
  4. Part 3: Profiling with Informatica Developer

Profile Guide

Profile Guide

Scorecards in Informatica Analyst Overview

Scorecards in Informatica Analyst Overview

A scorecard is the graphical representation of valid values for a column in a profile. You can create scorecards and drill down on live data or staged data.
Use scorecards to measure data quality progress. For example, you can create a scorecard to measure data quality before you apply data quality rules. After you apply data quality rules, you can create another scorecard to compare the effect of the rules on data quality.
Scorecards display the value frequency for columns as scores. The scores reflect the percentage of valid values in the columns. After you run a profile, you can add columns from the profile as metrics to a scorecard. You can create metric groups so that you can group related metrics to a single entity. You can define thresholds that specify the range of bad data acceptable for columns in a record and assign metric weights for each metric. When you run a scorecard, the Analyst tool generates weighted average values for each metric group. To further assess data quality, you can also assign a fixed or variable cost to each metric. When you run the scorecard, the Analyst tool computes the sum of cost of bad data for each metric and displays the total cost.
When you create or edit a scorecard, you can create scorecard filters based on the source data. The scorecard filters enable you to recalculate metric scores based on the filter condition. To identify valid data records and records that are not valid, you can drill down on each metric. You can use trend charts to track how metric scores and cost of bad data in metrics change over a period of time. You can reuse the profile filters in a scorecard.
When version control system is enabled in the Analyst tool, you can create multiple versions of a scorecard and view version history for a scorecard. By default, the scorecard is checked out after you create a scorecard. You must check in the scorecard so that the other users can edit the scorecard.
You can view the scorecard dashboard in the
workspace. In the scorecard dashboard, you can view the data objects that have scorecards, scorecards in a project, scorecard run trend in the past six months, and the aggregate of good, acceptable, and unacceptable metrics for all the scorecard runs in a month.
You can configure and manage email notifications for scorecards in Informatica Analyst. Use the Email Service to manage the email notifications. The Email Service is a system service that you can configure in Informatica Administrator.


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