Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Profiles
  3. Part 2: Profiling with Informatica Analyst
  4. Part 3: Profiling with Informatica Developer

Profile Guide

Profile Guide

Column Profile Results in Informatica Developer

Column Profile Results in Informatica Developer

Column profile analysis provides information about data quality by highlighting value frequencies, patterns, and statistics of data.
The following table describes the profile results for each type of analysis:
Profile Type
Profile Results
Column profile
  • Percentage and count statistics for unique and null values
  • Inferred data types
  • The data type that the data source declares for the data
  • The maximum and minimum values
  • The date and time of the most recent profile run
  • Percentage and count statistics for each unique data element in a column
  • Percentage and count statistics for each unique character pattern in a column
Primary key profile
  • Inferred primary keys
  • Key violations
Functional dependency profile
  • Inferred functional dependencies
  • Functional dependency violations


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