To minimize system downtime, configure Informatica domain components to be highly available.
You can configure the following Informatica domain components to be highly available:
One node in the domain acts as a gateway to receive service requests from clients and routes them to the appropriate service and node. To prevent domain shutdown when the master gateway node is unavailable, configure more than one gateway node.
Informatica services are processes that run on each node. You can configure Informatica services to restart automatically if it terminates unexpectedly.
Application Services
The application services run on nodes in the Informatica domain.
Based on your license, you can configure the following high availability features for application services:
To minimize the application service downtime, configure backup nodes for application services.
To specify the resilience period for application services, review default settings and configure resilience timeout periods for application services.
To ensure PowerCenter Integration Service failover and recovery, configure the PowerCenter Integration Service to store process state information on a POSIX compliant shared file system or in a database.
Application Clients
Application clients provide access to Informatica functionality, and they run on user machines. Application clients send requests to the Service Manager or application services.
You can configure resilience timeout periods for command line programs. You cannot configure a PowerCenter client resilience timeout.
External Systems
Use highly available versions of external systems such as source and target databases, message queues, and FTP servers.
Make the network highly available by configuring redundant components such as routers, cables, and network adapters.