Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Domains
  3. Managing Your Account
  4. Using Informatica Administrator
  5. Using the Domain View
  6. Domain Management
  7. Nodes
  8. High Availability
  9. Connections
  10. Connection Properties
  11. Schedules
  12. Domain Object Export and Import
  13. License Management
  14. Monitoring
  15. Log Management
  16. Domain Reports
  17. Node Diagnostics
  18. Understanding Globalization
  19. Managing Distribution Packages
  20. Appendix A: Code Pages
  21. Appendix B: Custom Roles
  22. Appendix C: Informatica Platform Connectivity
  23. Appendix D: Configure the Web Browser

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide



Every machine has a locale. A locale is a set of preferences related to the user environment, including the input language, keyboard layout, how data is sorted, and the format for currency and dates. Informatica uses locale settings on each machine.
You can set the following locale settings on Windows:
  • System locale. Determines the language, code pages, and associated bitmap font files that are used as defaults for the system.
  • User locale. Determines the default formats to display date, time, currency, and number formats.
  • Input locale. Describes the input method, such as the keyboard, of the system language.
For more information about configuring the locale settings on Windows, consult the Windows documentation.


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