Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Glossary
  3. Finding Glossary Content
  4. Glossary Content Management
  5. Approval Workflow
  6. Glossary Administration
  7. User and Role Administration
  8. Appendix A: Glossary Asset Properties

Business Glossary Guide

Business Glossary Guide

View Assets

View Assets

When you open a Business Glossary asset in the asset list, you can view the asset properties in the
workspace. When you open multiple assets, the Analyst tool displays them in tabs. If the asset that you opened is in a tab, click the tab to view the asset properties.
The Glossary asset properties that you view depend on the asset type. For business terms and policies, you can click
Go to section
to view specific properties.
The following image shows the business term view:
Business Glossary Asset view in the Glossary workspace of the Analyst tool.
  1. Edit the asset
  2. Add or view comments
  3. Refresh the asset view
  4. Follow the asset
  5. View currently open assets as tabs
  6. View the relationship diagram
  7. View contact details
  8. View audit trail
You can perform the following tasks after you open an asset from the
Edit the asset.
A content manager can edit the asset properties from the
workspace when it is not in the published phase. The Glossary asset properties that you can edit are based on the type of asset.
Add or view comments.
You can add, view, and search comments associated with a Glossary asset.
Refresh the asset view.
You can refresh an asset to view real-time updates of changes that content managers make to an asset.
Follow assets.
You can follow the asset to track any changes and receive notifications.
View related assets.
You can view a diagram of relationships between the business term and assets.
View audit trail.
You can view the history of changes made to an asset.
For example, as a data steward, you might want to view the audit trail of an asset.
View contact details.
You can view the user name and email ID of the data steward, stakeholder, and owner by hovering over their names.


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