Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Data Quality 10.5.7
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2022-03-03 12:28:05,409 IST <MappingCompiler-pool-4-thread-5> INFO: [MPSVCCMN_10081] Mapping service is running [flatFile_allTransformations_mapping/flatFile_allTransformations_mapping] deployed in [QueueApplication] 2022-03-03 12:28:05,409 IST <MappingCompiler-pool-4-thread-5> INFO: [MPSVCCMN_10083] The Mapping Service Module submitted a job to the Integration Service. Job ID : [wyMK5pq-EeyQm_HZtnihOw]
Integration Service will use override value [C:\Source] for parameter [ff_SrcDir] in transformation [map_AllTx\read_src1]. Integration Service will use override value [8] for parameter [exp_Int] in transformation [map_AllTx\Expression]. Integration Service will use override value [Mapping_New] for parameter [exp_String] in transformation [map_AllTx\Expression]. Integration Service will use override value [C:\Source] for parameter [ldo_SrcDir] in mapping \ mapplet [map_AllTx\DO_Lookup\DO_FF_REL_SRC_Read_Mapping].