Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Domains
  3. Managing Your Account
  4. Using Informatica Administrator
  5. Using the Domain View
  6. Domain Management
  7. Nodes
  8. High Availability
  9. Connections
  10. Connection Properties
  11. Schedules
  12. Domain Object Export and Import
  13. License Management
  14. Monitoring
  15. Log Management
  16. Domain Reports
  17. Node Diagnostics
  18. Understanding Globalization
  19. Managing Distribution Packages
  20. Appendix A: Code Pages
  21. Appendix B: Custom Roles
  22. Appendix C: Informatica Platform Connectivity
  23. Appendix D: Configure the Web Browser

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Working with a Unicode PowerCenter Repository

Working with a Unicode PowerCenter Repository

The PowerCenter repository code page is the code page of the data in the PowerCenter repository. You choose the PowerCenter repository code page when you create or upgrade a PowerCenter repository. When the PowerCenter repository database code page is UTF-8, you can create a PowerCenter repository using the UTF-8 code page.
The domain configuration database uses the UTF-8 code page. If you need to store metadata in multiple languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic, you must use the UTF-8 code page for all services in that domain.
The Service Manager synchronizes the list of users in the domain with the list of users and groups in each application service. If a user in the domain has characters that the code page of the application services does not recognize, characters do not convert correctly and inconsistencies occur.
Use the following guidelines when you use UTF-8 as the PowerCenter repository code page:
  • The PowerCenter repository database code page must be UTF-8.
  • The PowerCenter repository code page must be a superset of the PowerCenter Client and PowerCenter Integration Service process code pages.
  • You can input any character in the UCS-2 character set. For example, you can store German, Chinese, and English metadata in a UTF-8 enabled PowerCenter repository.
  • Install languages and fonts on the PowerCenter Client machine. If you are using a UTF-8 PowerCenter repository, you may want to enable the PowerCenter Client machines to display multiple languages. By default, the PowerCenter Clients display text in the language set in the system locale. Use the Regional Options tool in the Control Panel to add language groups to the PowerCenter Client machines.
  • You can use the Windows Input Method Editor (IME) to enter multibyte characters from any language without having to run the version of Windows specific for that language.
  • Choose a code page for a PowerCenter Integration Service process that can process all PowerCenter repository metadata correctly. The code page of the PowerCenter Integration Service process must be a subset of the PowerCenter repository code page. If the PowerCenter Integration Service has multiple service processes, ensure that the code pages for all PowerCenter Integration Service processes are subsets of the PowerCenter repository code page. If you are running the PowerCenter Integration Service process on Windows, the code page for the PowerCenter Integration Service process must be the same as the code page for the system or user locale. If you are running the PowerCenter Integration Service process on UNIX, use the UTF-8 code page for the PowerCenter Integration Service process.


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