You can use the load client utility or import utility to import data. The utilities for data import are platform-dependent. The utility that you use for the import depends on the platform that hosts the IBM DB2 database.
You can use the following utilities to import data:
Load Client Utility
For IBM DB2 on AIX, Linux, UNIX, or Windows, Data Archive uses the IBM DB2 load client utility to import all tables that do not contain LOB datatypes to the target. You must configure a temporary LOB directory if you want Data Archive to use the load client utility to import tables with LOB datatypes.
Import Utility
For IBM DB2 on AIX, Linux, UNIX, or Windows, Data Archive uses the IBM DB2 import utility to import tables with LOB datatypes if you do not configure a temporary LOB directory. Note that the import utility may decrease the import performance because the utility generates logs on the IBM DB2 database to undo the import.
For IBM DB2 on AS/400 and z/OS, Data Archive uses the import utility to import all tables.