To run the history upgrade scripts, copy the zip file to a directory on the history database server, unzip the file, create a link to the upgraded database, and run the scripts.
Copy the upgrade scripts zip file to a directory on the history database server and unzip it.
If you customized any PeopleSoft module accelerator, update the application changes script to reflect the changes.
Replace the interim table name in the script with the interim table name you use in the customized module, and update the script to reflect any change to the default columns or the business rule names.
For example, you customized the PY - N.A. Payroll module. You changed the interim table name to "XA_1111_HPY1" and added column "ORG_NAME" with datatype "VARCHAR2(15 CHAR)." Replace all occurrences of "XA_10969_HPY1" with "XA_1111_HPY1." Add the ORG_NAME column to the CREATE TABLE statement.
Log in to the target history database as the owner.
Create a database link on the history database that connects to the upgraded version of the PeopleSoft application.
Use the following syntax:
create database link <link name> connect to <history database> identified by <database password> using <E-Business TNS entry>;
Go to the directory where you extracted the zip file, and then run the following command:
chmod u+x
Run the script:
./ <history database user name>/<database password>@<link name>