Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Working with Enterprise Data Manager
  4. Enterprise Data Manager
  5. ILM Repository Constraints
  6. Partition Exchange Purging
  7. APIs
  8. Smart Partitioning
  9. SAP Application Retirement Entities
  10. Import Formats for Constraints
  11. Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Multiple Entity Generation

Multiple Entity Generation

You can use wizards to generate multiple entities at a time. Generate multiple entities to reduce the amount of time required to create entities manually. Manual creation of entities can be time-consuming. You can generate entities for live archiving or for retirement.
The method that you select to generate entities depends on the archive scenario. Use one of the following methods to generate multiple entities:
Automatic entity generation
Use the Multiple Entity Creation wizard to generate entities for live archiving and for data discovery. The wizard uses the constraints in the ILM repository to generate the entities. You can use the entities for archive projects and for Data Discovery portal searches.
Retirement entity generation
Use the
Generate Retirement Entity
wizard to generate entities for retirement. The wizard uses the imported schema and table metadata to generate the entities. You can use the entities for retirement projects. If you want to discover data from the Data Discovery portal, you must generate entities based on constraints.


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