Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Working with Enterprise Data Manager
  4. Enterprise Data Manager
  5. ILM Repository Constraints
  6. Partition Exchange Purging
  7. APIs
  8. Smart Partitioning
  9. SAP Application Retirement Entities
  10. Import Formats for Constraints
  11. Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Creating a List of Values

Creating a List of Values

List of Values are created in order to associate them with a Parameter for an Entity.
During Archive Definition, the user is prompted to supply values for these Parameters from a List of Values. This list is populated internally by building an SQL query according to an List of Value definition, as discussed in this Section.
An List of Value can be defined for an Application Module from Insert > List of Values.
To create an List of Value:
  1. Select the required Application Module and click
    List of Values
    to invoke the List of Values Creation Wizard.
    The first page of the wizard appears as shown in the following figure:
  2. Specify a Name and Description for the List of Value and click on
    The following page appears:
  3. Select a Schema from the “Schemas” pane and click Down Arrow to add it to the “Selected” pane. Contrarily, selecting the (pre-selected) Schema and clicking on Up Arrow deselects it (Step 2). When done, click
    The following page appears:
  4. Select Business Tables (Step 3) using the Down Arrow (or clicking on Up Arrow to deselect it) and click
    The following page appears:
  5. Specify aliases for each of the selected Tables (Step 4) and click
    On completion of the wizard, the List of Value is created and appears in the “List of Value” tab of the Explorer Pane. Each List of Value appears with the following tabs in the Details Pane:
    List of Value Detail Tab
    General Information
    Basic information about the List of Value including:
    • Auto generated ID
    • Name (specified in List of Values Creation Wizard)
    • Description (specified in List of Values Creation Wizard)
    • Comments
    Selected Tables with the following information:
    • Order of Tables according to selection from List of Values Creation Wizard. Order can be changed using Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons available to the right.
    • Table Name
    • Table Alias (as specified in List of Values Creation Wizard).
    • Check boxes to determine whether the table is to be included in the FROM clause of the SQL query.
    Tables can be added or deleted using Add and Delete buttons, on the extreme right.
    Where Clause
    The WHERE clause for filtering data.
    Display Columns
    Columns to select in the SQL query. Each Column is displayed with the following information:
    • Order of selection. Order can be changed using Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons available on the right.
    • Expression (if any) to be executed on the Column. For example, TOCHAR(). Generally, the Column name is specified here.
    • Data Type for the Column.
    • Label / Alias for the column (Column heading)
    Columns can be added or deleted using Add and Delete buttons, on the extreme right.
    Return Columns
    Return value for the SQL query (not displayed in the List of Value).
    Columns for The ORDER BY clause for sorting data.
    The SQL query, built from the information specified above.
    In case invalid values are supplied and the query fails to comply with SQL syntax, relevant Error messages are displayed in this area.
  6. Click the
    button to save changes made to the List of Value from its Details Pane.
    The Detail Pane of an List of Value is displayed, with the “Test” tab selected, displaying the SQL query which will fetch values for this List of Value.
    Note that the selected Tables are displayed in the Canvas Pane.


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