Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Working with Enterprise Data Manager
  4. Enterprise Data Manager
  5. ILM Repository Constraints
  6. Partition Exchange Purging
  7. APIs
  8. Smart Partitioning
  9. SAP Application Retirement Entities
  10. Import Formats for Constraints
  11. Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Entity Constraint Properties

Entity Constraint Properties

Enter constraint properties to define the relationships between parent and child tables in the segmentation group.
The following table describes the segmentation group constraint properties:
Field Name
Child Table
Name of child table included in the segmentation group.
Child Alias Name
Alias name of the selected child table. Identifies the specific table instance associated in this relationship.
Reference to AM_META_CONSTRAINTS that defines the relationship between the parent and child tables.
Parent Table
Name of the parent table for the selected child table.
Parent Alias Name
Alias name of the selected parent table. Identifies the specific table instance associated in this relationship.
SQL fragment that restricts the number of rows in the child table to those that belong to the parent. This field is optional.


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