Table of Contents


  1. About the Data Vault Administrator Guide
  2. Introduction to the Data Vault
  3. Data Vault Service Startup and Shutdown
  4. Data Vault Configuration
  5. Data Vault SSL Setup
  6. Data Vault ODBC Setup
  7. Data Vault Administration
  8. Data Repartitioning
  9. Partial Data Vault Copy
  10. Archived Data Migration
  11. Data Validation
  12. Bulk File Uploader
  13. Data Vault Administration Tool
  14. Data Vault Logs
  15. User Account Privileges
  16. ssasql Command Line Program
  17. Data Vault Audit Log
  18. Appendix A: Sample Configuration Files

Data Vault Administrator Guide

Data Vault Administrator Guide

Archived Data Migration Overview

Archived Data Migration Overview

Use the ssamigrate utility to migrate archived data from one storage system to another. Both storage systems must be configured within the same Data Vault instance. By default, the ssamigrate utility copies the SCT files to the new location, unregisters the SCT files in the source, and registers the files in the new location. You can specify that you want the utility to delete the SCT files from the source location. You can migrate data from one database, one schema, or one table at a time.
Use the ssamigrate utility to migrate archived data between the following Data Vault systems:
  • From a local or network file system to another local or network file system.
  • From a local or network file system to an external storage such as EMC Centera.
  • From an external storage such as Amazon S3 to a local or network file system.
  • From an external storage to another external storage.
For example, you retired an application to the local file system of a Data Vault instance. You now want to move the retired data to an external storage system that uses the Amazon S3 API version 2 storage protocol. Both the local file system and the external storage system are configured within the same Data Vault instance. You can use the ssamigrate command line utility to migrate the retired data without the need to re-archive the data.
When you use the ssamigrate utility to migrate data, the data files retain the original compression. The data is not even read during the migration process and remains immutable. The data migration is directly from the current target to the new target. You do not require an intermediate staging area.
The ssamigrate utility is located in the Data Vault installation folder on the machine where Data Vault is installed. Run the ssamigrage utility from the machine where Data Vault is installed.
When you migrate data from the source Data Vault system, you specify the data that you want to migrate. The utility first creates a temporary location to store and process files and then moves them to the new target Data Vault location.
All the SCT files for a table must reside in the same storage type prior to the migration. For example, if a table has 10 SCT files, all 10 files must be in the local file system or in Hadoop.
If the migration process is interrupted, the ssamigrate utility will resume from the point of interruption. The utility will move any remaining files in the original storage and register the files in the new location.
To revert the migration process, run the ssamigrate command again but specify the original source as the new target.


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