Table of Contents


  1. About the Data Vault Administrator Guide
  2. Introduction to the Data Vault
  3. Data Vault Service Startup and Shutdown
  4. Data Vault Configuration
  5. Data Vault SSL Setup
  6. Data Vault ODBC Setup
  7. Data Vault Administration
  8. Data Repartitioning
  9. Partial Data Vault Copy
  10. Archived Data Migration
  11. Data Validation
  12. Bulk File Uploader
  13. Data Vault Administration Tool
  14. Data Vault Logs
  15. User Account Privileges
  16. ssasql Command Line Program
  17. Data Vault Audit Log
  18. Appendix A: Sample Configuration Files

Data Vault Administrator Guide

Data Vault Administrator Guide

Addjob Component

Addjob Component

Use the addjob component to schedule standalone archive jobs.
Addjob requires the metadata database connection details and a configuration file with the NDL file, flat file, and SCT file locations, in addition to the Data Vault connection details. The
option creates the archive job, while the
option allows you to give the required job details.
Addjob does not create DDL. It expects that you have previously created the table structure in Data Vault.
Addjob uses the following command line syntax:
Displays the help screen.
Creates an archive job.
-a -k
Keeps the source data file after the archive job is complete.
-a -s
<ConfFileName> <MetaConnection> <MetaUser/MetaPassword>
Allows you to provide the configuration file name and meta database connection details. For example:
addjob -a -s test.conf meta_fb dba/dba
is optional, while
are required.

Sample Configuration File

The following text is an example of the .conf file required by the addjob utility:
NDLFILE=/data/idvuser/gyana/test_model.ndl FLATFILE=/data/idvuser/gyana/one_million.csv SCTFILE=/data/idvuser/gyana/one_million.sct CONNECTION=fas ADM dba/dba


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