Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Before You Install
  4. Data Archive Installation
  5. Data Vault Installation
  6. Application Accelerator Installation
  7. Application Retirement for Healthcare Accelerator Installation
  8. MongoDB Accelerator Installation
  9. Salesforce Accelerator Installation
  10. After You Install
  11. Data Archive Upgrade
  12. Data Vault Upgrade
  13. ILM Data Validation Option Setup
  14. Data Archive Source and Target Database Requirements
  15. Data Archive Connectivity
  16. Data Archive Uninstallation
  17. SAP Application Retirement
  18. Appendix A: Database Users and Privileges
  19. Appendix B: Data Visualization Designer Installation
  20. Appendix C: Data Archive Installation Requirements Checklist and Architecture Options

Installation and Upgrade Guide

Installation and Upgrade Guide

Installing in Silent Mode

Installing in Silent Mode

To install in silent mode, update the sample properties file, and then run the installation program with the properties file.
  1. Copy the installation files to the hard disk on the machine where you plan to install Data Archive.
    If you install on a remote machine, verify that you can access and create files on the remote machine.
  2. Find the
    file and create a backup copy of the file.
  3. Use a text editor to open the file and change the values of the installation parameters.
  4. Run the installer with the installation properties file.
    Use the following syntax:
    • Windows:
      install.cmd -i silent -f
    • UNIX:
      sh -i silent -f
    If the silent installer properties file is in another directory, specify the full file path to the properties file. For example:
    sh -i silent -f C:\ILM536Installer\Properties\


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