Define general connection properties to set up an archive target connection.
You can configure the following general connection properties:
Connection Name
Archive target name. Use the name to differentiate archive target connections.
When you create an archive project and you assign a target, you select the connection name that you define here. You can use the connection name to display a list of all connection types or filter the list of connections by name.
Connection Description
Long text description for the connection name. When you manage connections, you can use this field to filter the list of connections.
Connection Type
Database connection type that determines how you connect to the archive target database. The connection type that you choose depends on the database that you want archive the data to. Choose a compatible connection type for the database and database version. The connection type determines which database-specific connection properties you need to define.
Application Version
Business application and application versions that the database connection type supports. The possible values depend on the database connection type.
You can choose a business application such as Oracle or an optimized file.