Table of Contents


  1. Version 6.5 HotFix 1
  2. Version 6.5
  3. Version 6.4.4
  4. Version 6.4.3 HotFix 1
  5. Version 6.4.3
  6. Version 6.4 HotFix 2
  7. Version 6.4 HotFix 1
  8. Version 6.4

Release Guide

Release Guide

Maximum Number of Legal Holds

Maximum Number of Legal Holds

An optional parameter called "MAXNUMLEGALHOLD" is available for use. You can add the parameter to the COMMON section of the ssa.ini file to set the maximum number of legal holds allowed per table. By default the maximum number of legal holds allowed per table is 256, but you can configure the parameter up to 16384. For more information, see the
Data Vault Administrator Guide


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