Table of Contents


  1. Version 6.5 HotFix 1
  2. Version 6.5
  3. Version 6.4.4
  4. Version 6.4.3 HotFix 1
  5. Version 6.4.3
  6. Version 6.4 HotFix 2
  7. Version 6.4 HotFix 1
  8. Version 6.4

Release Guide

Release Guide

Update Retention Job

Update Retention Job

The retention modification reports are generated using the Arial Unicode MS font. To run the update retention job and generate the retention modification reports, you must have font file ARIALUNI.TTF saved to the following directory:
<Data Archive installation>\webapp\WEB-INF\classes
Previously, this font was not required to run the update retention job.


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