Dynamic Data Masking
- Dynamic Data Masking 9.8.3
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Menu Item
| Action
| Shows the server host, port, and username for the last login.
| Exits the Dynamic Data Masking session.
Add Domain
| Creates a domain in the Management Console tree. Add Domain is available when a domain node is selected.
Add Database
| Defines the connection properties for an additional database in the Management Console tree. Add Database is available when a domain node is selected.
Add DDM Services
| Adds a Dynamic Data Masking service to the Management Console tree. Add DDM Services is available when the server node is selected.
Add Rule Set
| Adds a security rule set to the Management Console tree. Add Rule Set is available when a domain node is selected.
| Opens a window to edit domain and rule set names, define service listener ports, and edit connection information for databases and the Dynamic Data Masking Server.
Security Rule Set
| Opens a security rule set. Security Rule Set is available when a security rule set is selected.
Connection Rules
| Opens a connection rule set. Connection Rules is available when a Dynamic Data Masking service is selected.
| Opens a window to set and edit permissions for the selected node. Authorization is available when a database, domain, or security rule set node is selected.
| Copies and deletes the selected Management Console tree node. You can cut server, database, domain, and security rule set nodes. You cannot cut service nodes or the root domain node.
| Copies the selected Management Console tree node. You can copy database, domain, and security rule set nodes. You cannot copy service nodes, server nodes, or the root domain node.
| Pastes the cut or copied Management Console tree node. You can paste on domain nodes.
| Removes a node from the Management Console tree.
You cannot remove the Dynamic Data Masking Server or the Management Console root domain.
Start Service
| Starts a Dynamic Data Masking service. The Start Service option is available when a Dynamic Data Masking service is selected.
Stop Service
| Stops a Dynamic Data Masking service. The Stop Service option is available when a Dynamic Data Masking service is selected.
Add Logger
| Adds a custom logger to the Management Console tree. Add Logger is available when the Loggers node is selected.
Add Appender
| Adds an appender to the Management Console tree. Add Appender is available when a logger node is selected.
| Creates an encrypted .zip archive of Dynamic Data Masking logs. You can send the log archive to Informatica Global Customer Support to troubleshoot issues with Dynamic Data Masking.
Manage Licenses
| Allows you to select a new license file. Use the Manage Licenses option if the Dynamic Data Masking license file has expired. The Manage Licenses option is available when the Dynamic Data Masking Server node is selected.
Sort by Name
| Sorts child nodes and nested child nodes in alphabetical order by the name of the node. Sort by Name is available when a node with child nodes is selected.
Sort by Owner
| Sorts child nodes and nested child nodes in alphabetical order by the login name of the user that created the nodes. Sort by Owner is available when a node with child nodes is selected.
Sort by Type
| Sorts child nodes and nested child nodes in alphabetical order by the type of node. Sort by Type is available when a node with child nodes is selected.