Dynamic Data Masking
- Dynamic Data Masking 9.8.3
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| Description
| Indicates a tab character.
| Indicates a new line.
| Matches any character except for new lines.
| Indicates the expression on the left or right side matches the target string.
[ ]
| Defines the enclosed characters that can match the target character. For example, the expression
[ab] matches the letters a and b. The expression
[0-9] matches any digit.
| Indicates that the enclosed characters do not match the target character. For example,
[^ab] matches all characters except "a" and "b."
[^0-9] matches any character that is not a digit.
| Indicates that the character to the left of asterisk in the expression will match zero or more times. For example,
be* matches "b," "be," and "bee."
| Indicates that the character to the left of the plus sign matches one or more times. For example,
be+ matches
be and
bee , but not
b .
| Indicates that the character to the left of question mark in the expression matches zero or one time. For example,
be? matches
b and
be , but not
bee .
| Indicates that the expression to the right of
^ matches when
^ is at the beginning of a line. For example,
^A matches an
A at the beginning of a line.
| The expression to the left of
$ matches when
$ is at the end of a line. For example, the expression
e$ matches the letter
e that is at the end of a line.
( )
| Defines tagging and the processing order of expressions.
| Indicates an escape character. Use double backslashes to view the backslash character.
| Indicates the start of a quoted expression. The parser ignores special characters.
| Indicates the end of a quoted expression.
| Defines a separator for space, tab, or new line.