Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking
  3. Rules
  4. Connection Rules
  5. Security Rules
  6. Security Rule Set Simulator
  7. Masking Functions
  8. XML Functions Reference
  9. Glossary

Masking Action

The Masking action specifies how the Rule Engine masks the result set of a Microsoft SQL Server stored procedure call. You select the type of data in the result set column that you want to mask. Supported types are string, number, or date. You also select the type of masking and configure the relevant parameters.
The following table describes the Masking action parameters:
Data Type
Type of data within the result set column that you want to mask. Select string, number, or date.
Masking Type
Type of masking that the Rule Engine applies to the result set data. For string and number data types, you can select pattern masking, redaction, or constant.
  • Pattern masking allows you to mask part of the data while leaving characters at the beginning or end of the string unmasked. Pattern masking does not preserve the length of the actual data. Configure the following properties for pattern masking:
    • Exposed Prefix. The number of characters at the beginning of the string that you want to be unmasked.
    • Value. The string that replaces the masked data.
    • Exposed Suffix. The number of characters at the end of the string that you want to be unmasked.
  • Redaction is similar to pattern masking, but preserves the original data length. Configure the following properties for redaction masking:
    • Exposed prefix. The number of characters at the beginning of the string that you want to be unmasked.
    • Value. The character that you want to replace the masked characters.
    • Exposed suffix. The number of characters at the end of the string that you want to be unmasked.
  • Constant masking replaces data with the exact string that you define.
For date data types, you can select only the constant masking type. When you select constant masking for a date data type, you configure the Value parameter as the text that you want to return after masking is applied. For example, you can enter "01-01-2000" as the value and Dynamic Data Masking returns all of the matched date values as "01-01-2000." You must also configure the Date Format parameter. The Date Format parameter tells Dynamic Data Masking the format of the value you have entered. For example, "DD:MM:YYYY." If the Value parameter contains a time, you must also include the time in the Date Format parameter. For example, if the Value parameter is " 01-01-1970," configure the Date Format parameter as "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss:SSS." Valid date formats are Java-supported date formats.
For more information, see the chapter "Stored Procedure Result Set Masking."


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