Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking
  3. Rules
  4. Connection Rules
  5. Security Rules
  6. Security Rule Set Simulator
  7. Masking Functions
  8. Stored Procedure Result Set Masking
  9. Integration with Informatica Products
  10. Appendix A: XML Functions Reference
  11. Appendix B: Glossary

Replace Table Action

Replace Table Action

The Replace Table rule action removes rows that contain sensitive data from the result set.
You can use the Replace Table action to change the FROM clause of the original SQL statement to provide row-level security. You can replace the table reference with a table reference or subquery that you define in the Alternative Object or Query field.
The Alternative Object or Query filed can contain global symbols or the Replace Table rule action symbols. You can define global symbols in other security rules that you wan to use in the Replace Table rule action.
The Replace Table rule action symbols relate to the current SQL statement FROM clause. Use the \(prefix), \(tableOnly), and \(table) symbols to specify that you want to preserve the table name, preserve the path, or replace the path and the table name.
The following table describes the Replace Table action parameters:
Table Name
A regular expression that represents the database object names that you want to replace.
Alternative Object or Query
The object name or query that you want to replace the original table name.


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