Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to TDM Administration
  3. User and Role Administration
  4. Security Administration
  5. System Preferences
  6. TDM Server Administration
  7. Connections
  8. Pass Phrases
  9. Global Parameters
  10. Dictionaries
  11. User-Defined Datatypes

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Teradata MultiLoad Connections

Teradata MultiLoad Connections

You can create a Teradata MultiLoad connection in Test Data Manager to perform data subset and data masking operations.
The following table describes the database connection properties to access Teradata through MultiLoad:
Required. Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters, start with a number, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
Connection Type
Required. The connection type. Select Teradata MultiLoad.
The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 255 characters.
User Name
Required. The database user name.
Use Parameter in Password
Indicates the password for the database user name is a session parameter. $Param
. Define the password in the workflow or session parameter file, and encrypt it using the
CRYPT_DATA option.
Used for data subset and data masking operations. Default is disabled.
Required. The password for the database user name.
The owner of the connection. Default is the user who creates the connection. You can change the owner of the connection.
JDBC Login Password
Required if Use Parameter in Password is selected. The password for the JDBC user.
Used for import from source and data discovery operations.
Database Name
Name of the database. If you do not specify a database name, the Integration Service uses the target table database name defined in the mapping.
Teradata database ID.
Amount of time, in hours, MultiLoad tries to log in to the required sessions. If a login fails, MultiLoad delays for the number of minutes specified in the Sleep attribute, and then retries the login. MultiLoad keeps trying until the login succeeds or the number of hours specified in the Tenacity attribute elapses.
Default is 10000.
Max Sessions
Maximum number of MultiLoad sessions per MultiLoad job. Max Sessions must be between 1 and 32,767.
Running multiple MultiLoad sessions causes the client and database to use more resources. Therefore, setting this value to a small number may improve performance.
Default is 1.
Number of minutes MultiLoad waits before retrying a login. MultiLoad tries until the login succeeds or the number of hours specified in the Tenacity attribute elapses.
Sleep must be greater than 0. If you specify 0, MultiLoad issues an error message and uses the default value, 6 minutes.
Default is 6.
Log Table Name
Log table database name. Use this attribute to override the default log table database name. If you do not specify a database name, the Integration Service uses the target table database.
Date Format
Date format. The date format in the connection object must match the date format you define in the target definition. The Integration Service supports the following date formats:
Error Limit
Total number of rejected records that MultiLoad can write to the MultiLoad error tables. Uniqueness violations do not count as rejected records.
An error limit of 0 means that there is no limit on the number of rejected records.
Check Point
Interval between checkpoints. You can set the interval to the following values:
  • 60 or more. MultiLoad performs a checkpoint operation after it processes each multiple of that number of records.
  • 1-59. MultiLoad performs a checkpoint operation at the specified interval, in minutes.
  • 0. MultiLoad does not perform any checkpoint operation during the import task.
Load Mode
Mode to generate SQL commands: Insert, Delete, Update, Upsert, or Data Driven.
When you select Data Driven loading, the Integration Service follows instructions in an Update Strategy or Custom transformation to determine how to flag rows for insert, delete, or update. The Integration Service writes a column in the target file or named pipe to indicate the update strategy. The control file uses these values to determine how to load data to the target.
Default is Upsert.
Drop Error Tables
Drops the MultiLoad error tables before beginning the next session. Select this option to drop the tables or clear it to keep the tables.
Default is disabled.
External Loader Executable
Name and optional file path of the Teradata external loader executable. If the external loader executable directory is not in the system path, you must enter the full path.
Is Staged
Method of loading data. Select Is Staged to load data to the flat file staging area before loading to the database. Otherwise, the data is loaded to the database using a named pipe.
Default is disabled.
Error Database
Error database name. Use this attribute to override the default error database name. If you do not specify a database name, the Integration Service uses the target table database.
Work Table Database
Work table database name. Use this attribute to override the default work table database name. If you do not specify a database name, the Integration Service uses the target table database.
User Variables
User-defined variable used in the default control file.


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