Test Data Management
- Test Data Management 10.5.3
- All Products
| Description
Minimum Value
| The minimum number of child records for a parent record. Default is 1.
Maximum Value
| The maximum number of child records for a parent record. Default is 3.
Data Source
| The connection to the parent table.
Parent Table
| The parent table that you can get the data from.
Child Column
| The column name on which you create the rule. You cannot remove the first child column. To enter additional child columns, you can add more rows.
Parent Column
| The parent column for the corresponding child column. You add more rows to enter additional child and parent columns. You can also assign parent columns from the same parent table to the other target child columns.
Parent Table Filter
| A conditional expression that you enter to extract the data. The data you extract from the parent table must conform to this condition.
Parent records without children
| The percent of parent records without a child.
Child records without a parent
| The percent of child records without a parent. You can enter a value greater than 0. If you enter 0, you must provide a default value instead of null values.
Default Value
| The default value that you want to generate in the target column instead of null values. The default value can be one of the values present in the parent table if the tables are in a parent-child relationship. Required if the percent of child records without a parent is set to 0. Optional if the percent of child records without a parent field is blank. Disabled if you enter a non-zero value in the percent of child records without parent field to generate null values.