Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Google BigQuery connectors
  3. Part 2: Data Integration with Google BigQuery V2 Connector
  4. Part 3: Data Integration with Google BigQuery Connector

Google BigQuery Connectors

Google BigQuery Connectors

Amazon S3 prerequisites

Amazon S3 prerequisites

You need to complete the following prerequisites in Amazon S3 before you can read data from an Amazon S3 source and write to Google BigQuery:
  • To load data from an Amazon S3 data source, you must:
    • Specify the URI for the Amazon S3 source.
    • Provide your access key ID and secret access key to access the Amazon S3 bucket.
    • Set the minimum required policy AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess on your Amazon S3 source data.
  • Enable the BigQuery Data Transfer Service for your project. To enable the BigQuery Data Transfer Service, you must be granted the owner role for your project.
For more information on configuring these prerequisites in Amazon S3, see the Amazon S3 documentation.


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