Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to REST V2 Connector
  3. Connections for REST V2
  4. REST V2 operations
  5. Mappings and mapping tasks with REST V2 Connector
  6. Swagger File Generation
  7. Appendix A: Swagger objects
  8. OpenAPI objects

REST V2 Connector

REST V2 Connector

Configuring one-way or two-way secure communication

Configuring one-way or two-way secure communication

You can configure a connection for one-way or two-way SSL.

Configuring the connection for one-way SSL

You can either specify the name of the truststore file and truststore password in the TrustStore File Name and TrustStore Password fields in the connection properties. Alterntaively, you can set the truststore file name and truststore password in the JVM options in the Secure Agent properties.
  1. Click
    Runtime Environments
    , and select an agent.
  2. Select
    as DTM under
    System Configuration Details
  3. Add the following JVM options:
      <absolute path of the .jks truststore file>
      <truststore password>

Configuring the connection for two-way SSL

You can either specify the name of the keystore file and keystore password in the KeyStore File Name and KeyStore Password connection properties. Alternatively, you can set the keystore file and keystore password in the JVM options in the Secure Agent properties.
To use two-way SSL, you must first configure one-way SSL, and then perform the following steps to configure two-way SSL:
  1. Click
    Runtime Environments
    , and select an agent.
  2. Select
    as DTM under
    System Configuration Details
  3. Add the following JVM options:
      <absolute path of the .jks keystore file>
      <keystore password>


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