Data Integration Connectors
- Data Integration Connectors
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ProcessConnDB=<DB name>&ProcessConnSchema=<Schema name>
db=<Database name>&schema=<Schema name>
db=<Database name>&schema=<Schema name>
authenticator=https://<Your Okta account name>
The storage integration name is case-sensitive. For example, if the storage integration name you created for Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 in Snowflake isstorage_integration=<Storage Integration name>
useProxy=true& proxyHost=<Proxy host IP address>& proxyPort=<Proxy server port number>& proxyUser=<Proxy server user name>& proxyPassword=<Proxy server password>
When you set this property in the connection to true, Snowflake ignores the double quotes in the table and treats all tables as case-insensitive.QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS_IGNORE_CASE=true
query_tag=<Tag name>
snowflake_query_tag=<Tag name>