When you configure the source connection in the Source transformation, you can choose only an Amazon S3 V2, Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, or a Snowflake Data Cloud connection.
Snowflake Data Cloud source properties
You can configure the following properties for a Snowflake Data Cloud source:
Source connection - Parameter, Allow parameter to be overridden at run time
Source type - Single object, multiple objects, query, and parameter. You can also use a parameter file to override the Snowflake source connections and objects in a mapping from the mapping task.
Allow parameter to be overridden at run time.
Query options - Filter and Join. You can use both simple and advanced filter conditions. You can use join to join related objects based on existing relationships or you can create an advanced relationship.
Table name
SQL override
Amazon S3 V2 source properties
You can configure the following properties for an Amazon S3 V2 source:
Source connection parameter
Source Type - Single, parameter
Format - Delimited, Avro, ORC, Parquet, and JSON
Source Type - File and directory
Folder Path
File Name
Compression Format - Gzip
For information on how to configure the supported properties, see the Amazon S3 V2 Connector documentation.
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source properties
You can configure the following properties for a Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source:
Source connection, connection parameter
Source Type - Single, parameter
Format - Delimited, Avro, ORC, Parquet, and JSON
Formatting Options
Filesystem Name Override
Source Type - File and directory
Directory Override - Absolute path; Relative path
File Name Override - Source object
Compression Format - Gzip to read flat files
For information on how to configure the supported properties, see the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Connector documentation.
For information on how the sources in mappings in SQL ELT mode behave differently from the sources in other types of mappings, see Sources in mappings in SQL ELT mode in