Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Project and asset management
  3. Source control
  4. Asset migration
  5. Bundles

Asset Management

Asset Management

Source control pulls

Source control pulls

Pull an object to add it to the organization or replace the version of the object in the organization with the version in the source control repository. You can pull a project, folder, or an individual object that isn't checked out by another user.
Before a pull takes place, you can review the potential results of the pull. You can cancel the action or select objects to exclude from the pull.
The following image shows a preview page with potential results in the
The preview page shows that a folder and several assets will be included in the pull. The status for the folder is "Reuse existing object." When a folder with the same name already exists, it is reused. The status for the assets is "Overwrite existing object." When an asset already exists in the organization, the pull will overwrite it using the Git version that you select.
You can also test the pull to see if any errors might occur. If any errors appear, you can exclude the objects from the pull or close the page to cancel the pull.
A pull doesn't include dependent objects. For example, in
Data Integration
, if you pull a mapping that uses a saved query, the pull doesn't include the saved query.
A pull doesn't change the state of pulled objects in the organization. For example, if an object was checked out before the pull, it remains checked out after the pull.
Consider the following rules and guidelines:
  • If you want to pull an object that uses a connection or runtime environment, be sure that the organization includes a connection and runtime environment before you perform the pull. When you select an object that uses a connection or runtime environment, you can select a runtime environment and connection to use on the test page.
  • Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    doesn't consider capitalization in object names. As a result, you can't pull a project that contains multiple assets that have the same name with different capitalization. For example, if you try to pull a project that contains an asset named "sales" and an asset named "SALES", you receive an error because a project or folder can't contain multiple assets with the same name.
  • You can pull objects regardless of whether your organization can or cannot update the source control repository.


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