Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Web Service Connections

Web Service Connections

When you create or update a Web Service connection, you can configure additional attributes, such as the connection ID and the connection name.
The following table describes attributes that you can use for Web Service connections:
Connection ID.
Organization ID.
Connection name.
Optional connection description.
Connection type. Use WebServicesConsumer.
SAP user name with authorization on S_DATASET, S_TABU_DIS, S_PROGRAM, and B_BTCH_JOB objects.
Password for the web service login. If the web service does not require a user name, leave this field empty. Optional.
Domain for authentication. Optional.
Endpoint URL for the web service that you want to access. The WSDL file specifies this URL in the location element. This attribute is the Endpoint URL field in the user interface.
Secure Agent ID.
Number of seconds
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
waits for a connection to the web service provider before it closes the connection and fails the session. Also, the number of seconds the
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
waits for a SOAP response after sending a SOAP request before it fails the session.
Default is 60. Optional.
File containing the bundle of trusted certificates that
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
uses when authenticating the SSL certificate of the web services provider. Default is ca-bundle.crt. Optional.
Client certificate that a web service provider uses when authenticating a client. You specify the client certificate file if the web service provider needs to authenticate
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
. Optional.
Password for the client certificate. You specify the certificate file password if the web service provider needs to authenticate
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
. Optional.
File type of the client certificate. You specify the certificate file type if the web service provider needs to authenticate the Integration Service. Use one of the following codes:
  • PEM
  • DER
Private key file for the client certificate. You specify the private key file if the web service provider needs to authenticate
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
. Optional.
Password for the private key of the client certificate. You specify the key password if the web service provider needs to authenticate
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
. Optional.
File type of the private key of the client certificate. You specify the key file type if the web service provider needs to authenticate
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
If necessary, use PEM. Optional.
Authentication type to use when the web service provider does not return an authentication type to
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
. Use one of the following options:
  • Auto. The Integration Service attempts to determine the authentication type of the web service provider.
  • Basic. Based on a non-encrypted user name and password.
  • Digest. Based on an encrypted user name and password.
  • NTLM. Based on encrypted user name, password, and domain.
Default is Auto. Optional.
ID for the Secure Agent that
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
uses to access the database in the local area network.


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