Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

REST API responses

REST API responses

A successful REST API response returns the requested object, an array of objects, or an HTTP success code. A failed response returns an HTTP error code and can also return an error object.

Successul responses

The following table describes common successful responses to REST API requests:
Request type
For an information request, returns the requested object or an array of objects when applicable.
For an action request, returns the HTTP 200 success code. Can also return the REST API success object.
Returns the object that you created or updated.
Can also return the HTTP 201 success code.
HTTP 200 success code.
Can also return the REST API success object.
For example, if you use a GET request to view a schedule, a successful response is the schedule object that you requested. Or, if you use a POST request to update the time that the schedule runs, a successful response is the schedule object that you updated, including the update. If you use a DELETE request to delete a schedule that is no longer being used, a successful response is the 200 success code.

Failed responses

For a failed response, the REST API returns a standard HTTP error code and can also return an error object. The following table describes some of the HTTP error codes that might be returned:
HTTP error code
Bad request. Can be a field or format issue such as an invalid character or incorrect string length.
Authentication issue. For example, invalid credentials or invalid session IDs.
Generic error. For example, user doesn't have required permissions for a resource.
Resource can't be found.
Unexpected error. Generic error message that appears when an unexpected condition was encountered.
Network issue.
Service unavailable. The server cannot handle the request.


We’d like to hear from you!
Detlef Werner - November 10, 2022

This list of responsecodes  seems  to be incomplete. E.G. the post call on the  loginUrl returns also a HTTP 400 is the password is wrong, not a 403! 

Informatica Documentation Team - November 11, 2022

Hi Detlef. We’re working to address your comments and will get back to you.

Informatica Documentation Team - November 15, 2022

Hi Detlef. We're adding more information about the HTTP error codes in an upcoming release.


Informatica Documentation team

Manish Kumar - June 09, 2023

Could you please suggest how can we capture this response status code for any API instead of actual response. For example, if a get method is requested, i just want to capture 200/400 or whatever the response code?

Informatica Documentation Team - June 10, 2023

Hi Manish. Thanks for your comment. We're reviewing it and will get back to you.

Informatica Documentation Team - June 21, 2023

Hi Manish. Our development team suggests that you consult the documentation for the REST client that you're using for the best answer since this is a question about HTTP standards. You can also contact Informatica Global Customer Support.