Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Hosted file transfer task

Hosted file transfer task

You can manage files on a hosted server, and transfer files locally.
You can perform the following actions:
  • Compress and transfer files to or within a folder in the home directory of the file server user.
  • Decompress uploaded files and transfer them from the home directory of file server user to the target location.
  • Encrypt and transfer files from source location to the home directory of the file server user.
  • Decrypt and transfer files from the file server user's home directory to the target location.


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