How to Configure a Parameter Set in a Taskflow

How to Configure a Parameter Set in a Taskflow

Rules and guidelines for parameter sets

Rules and guidelines for parameter sets

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you use parameter sets in taskflows:
  • If the parameter set that you use in a taskflow is not available in the cloud-hosted repository, the taskflow fails at run time. You can upload the parameter set and run the taskflow again, or override the parameter set name at run time with a valid parameter set name.
  • If the input field that you pass does not have a value specified in the parameter set, the taskflow takes the default value of the data type. For example, in case of Boolean, it takes the value as False, integer as zero, string as null, and so on.
  • If a parameter value is another parameter defined in the set, the taskflow uses the first value of the variable in the most specific scope. For example, a parameter set contains the following parameter values:
    [GLOBAL] $$ffconnection=my_ff_conn $$var2=California $$var6=$$var5 $$var5=North [Default].[folder5].[sales_accounts] $$var2=$$var5 $$var5=south
    In "sales_accounts," the value of "var5" is "south." Since var2 is defined as var5, var2 is also "south."
  • The value of a parameter is global unless it is present in a section.
  • If a parameter set contains the same heading more than once, the taskflow uses the parameters from the first section.


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