How to Configure a Parameter Set in a Taskflow

How to Configure a Parameter Set in a Taskflow

Sample parameter set

Sample parameter set

The following example shows a sample parameter set that contains parameter values for a taskflow:
#USE_SECTIONS $$input=customer_table [GLOBAL] $$Country=USA [Project1].[Folder1].[Taskflow1] $$FirstName=John $$LastName=Williams $$State=Karnataka $$Country=India $$Company=CompanyA $$ShippingID=1234 $$CustomerID=1 $$ContactNumber=1234567890 [Project1].[Folder1].[Taskflow1].[Subtaskflow1] $$FirstName=Jones $$LastName=Greg $$ContactNumber=0123456789 $$ShippingID=4321
The taskflow uses parameters to pass different values for the country, state, first name, last name, shipping ID, customer ID, and contact number.


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