Migrating a connector from previous versions using the Data Integration REST API

Migrating a connector from previous versions using the Data Integration REST API

Formats to use with the REST API version 2

Formats to use with the REST API version 2

When you use the
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
platform REST API resources version 2, use the appropriate format for the resources.
You can log in to
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
using the platform REST API version 2 login resource.
You can use the following XML and JSON call formats for REST API version 2.
Login URL
Use one of the following login URLs:
https://dm-<POD region>.informaticacloud.com/ma/api/v2/user/login
Your POD (Point of Deployment) region is based on the location of your
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
data center. Use one of the following POD regions:
  • For North America, use
  • For Europe, use
  • For Asia, use
The POD region is included in the URL you receive when you register with
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
Base URL
The login response includes the base URL that you must include in subsequent calls.
The base URL includes the following components:
  • The name and region of the POD that your organization uses, for example, usw3.dm-us.
  • The
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    domain, informaticacloud.com.
  • The internal service that manages the API calls.
The following example is a base URL for an organization on the usw3.dm-us POD:
In the login response, the attribute name is
Request URL
The URL that you can use in requests is:
<serverURL>/saas/api/v2/<REST API Resource>
For example:
Session ID
The login response includes a session ID that you must include in headers during the session. You can use
in the header.

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