Migrating a connector from previous versions using the Data Integration REST API

Migrating a connector from previous versions using the Data Integration REST API



You can use this resource to log in to your organization using your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user account.
Use the base URL and session ID returned in the response for subsequent requests during this session.

POST request

To log in, use the following URL:
http://<cloud provider>-<region>.informaticacloud.com/ma/api/v2/user/login
The values for cloud provider and region correspond to the name of the POD (Point of Deployment) that your organization uses.
For example, if your organization uses the APNE1 POD, use the following URL:
If you don't know the name of the POD that your organization uses, contact your organization administrator or Informatica Global Customer Support.
For more information about the POD names and corresponding cloud providers and regions, see the Product Availability Matrix (PAM) for Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
Use the following attributes in a login object:
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user name.
Maximum length is 255 characters.
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services password.
Maximum length is 255 characters.

POST request example

To log in to your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services organization, you might use the following request:
POST https://dm-us.informaticacloud.com/ma/api/v2/user/login Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "username": "John@infa.com", "password": "mypassword" }

POST response

Returns the user object if the request is successful. Returns the error object if errors occur.
The response includes the following information that you need to include in the header of subsequent REST API calls:
  • icSessionId. A REST API session ID that you include in the header for version 2 REST API calls. The session ID expires after 30 minutes of inactivity. After the session ID expires, log in again to continue working with the REST API.
    For information on retrieving session status details, Session IDs.
  • serverUrl. The base URL that you use in the version 2 resource URIs.
For information about the attributes that the user object includes, see login.

POST response example

The response returns the user object which contains the serverUrl and icSessionId values to use in subsequent calls, as shown in the following example:
{ "id": "0101TQ03000000000007", "orgId": "0101TQ", "orgUuid": "3FNFLs1uHe2IIgTs8tRjSJ", "name": "John@infa.com", "description": "", "createTime": "2018-02-16T00:20:07.000Z", "updateTime": "2018-07-17T22:45:50.000Z", "createdBy": "System built-in user", "updatedBy": "John@infa.com", "sfUsername": null, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Randall", "title": "IICS Admin", "password": "**********", "phone": "123-456-7899", "emails": "John@infa.com", "timezone": null, "serverUrl": "https://na4.dm-us.informaticacloud.com/saas", "icSessionId": "1Ckv5VDHe2IICHi2hq04EF", "securityQuestion": "In what city were you born?", "securityAnswer": "********", "uuid": "a51jk7TB0IDcnWLwJdLaW2", "forceChangePassword": false, "roles": [ { "name": "Designer", "description": "Role for creating assets, tasks, and processes. Can configure connections, schedules, and runtime environments. Has access to the Application Integration Console." }, { "name": "Admin", "description": "Role for performing administrative tasks for an organization. Has full access to all licensed services." }, { "name": "Data Preview", "description": "Role to preview data" } ], "usergroups": [], "spiUrl": "https://na4.dm-us.informaticacloud.com" }
Using the above response as an example, to send a POST request to migrate the connection from the old to the current version, you might use the following request:
GET https://usw3.dm-us.informaticacloud.com/saas/api/v2/agent Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json icSessionId: 1Ckv5VDHe2IICHi2hq04EF


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