Migrating a connector from previous versions using the Data Integration REST API

Migrating a connector from previous versions using the Data Integration REST API

Troubleshooting the migration

Troubleshooting the migration

Consider the following troubleshooting tips when you switch the old connection to the current connection in assets:
No meter exists and returns 400 bad request error
If your organization is not enabled for metering, the migration API response returns the following error:
{ "code": "0", "description": "400 Bad Request: \"{\"error\":{\"code\":\"V3API_ContainerError_010\",\"message\": \"No Meter Exists\",\"debugMessage\":\"No Meter Exists\",\"requestId\": \"fjnntYutce6k1H8pfBXqyh\",\"details\":null}}\"", "statusCode": 400 }
In the Administrator service, ensure that metering is enabled for the
Number of projects
Number of folders
under platform as the service.
Mapping is not valid and returns 500 internal server error
If the connection that you want to migrate is referenced with any mapping that is not valid, the migration fails with the following error:
{ "code": "0", "description": "500 Internal Server Error: \"{\"error\":{\"code\":\"MigrationSvc_031\",\"message\":\"Import failed\", \"requestId\":null,\"details\":[{\"message\":\"Object name [multi_src_tgt_param] type [MTT] path [/Default] message [The mapping 'multi_src_tgt_param' cannot be deployed as it is not valid.]\"}, {\"message\":\"Object name [multi_src_tgt_param] type [MTT] path [/RS_CTK_auto] message [Object skipped because of previous failures]\"}, {\"message\":\"Object name [rs_ctk_inout_param] type [MTT] path [/RS_CTK_auto] message [Object skipped because of previous failures]\"}, {\"message\":\"Object name [rs_ctk_input_param] type [MTT] path [/RS_CTK_auto] message [Object skipped because of previous failures]\"}]}}\"", "statusCode": 400 }


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