Service Group Application Reference

Service Group Application Reference



The application program conducts a dialogue with the BROWSE Service in the following form:
  • Set the first four bytes of the ’screen’ parameter (the page number) to "0001".
  • Call the BROWSE Service.
  • If the response-code is not "00" then the Service failed. If the returned page is "0000" then there was no data to show and this is the end of the dialogue. Otherwise the screen has 60 lines of the data (may be padded with empty lines).
  • Add 1 to the page number and repeat the call.
The standard
Service (with function ’1’) returns the following data format in the
VER: SSANAME RELEASE Jul 14 1997 13:01:12 PGM: TESTBED TST Jul 16 1997 11:12:55 DONE: TESTBED --DONE-- Sep 16 1997 15:06:00 SGM: S_MDT MDT Sep 1 1997 17:36:44 NOTE: THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND IS THE SUBJECT OF COPYRIGHT, AND ITS ONLY PERMITTED USE IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS OF AN AGREEMENT WITH INFORMATICA CORPORATION, OR ITS SUBLICENSORS. ANY USE THAT DEPARTS FROM THOSE TERMS, OR BREACHES CONFIDENTIALITY OR COPYRIGHT MAY EXPOSE THE USER TO LEGAL LIABILITY. SERVICE: BROWSE TYPE: BROWSE ALG: WSIZE: 62 SSIZE: 504 RESP: 00 FUNC: 1 PAGE: 0001 ALG: PERSON 01 NOTE: THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND 02 IS THE SUBJECT OF COPYRIGHT, AND ITS ONLY PERMITTED USE 03 IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS OF AN AGREEMENT WITH 04 INFORMATICA CORPORATION, OR ITS SUBLICENSORS. 05 ANY USE THAT DEPARTS FROM THOSE TERMS, OR 06 BREACHES CONFIDENTIALITY OR COPYRIGHT MAY EXPOSE THE 07 USER TO LEGAL LIABILITY. 08*** WARNING *** 09 THIS PRODUCT IS RESTRICTED FOR USE FOR EVALUATION ONLY, USE IN 10 PRODUCTION MAY BE A VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED AGREEMENT. 11 12 VERSION INFORMATION: 13 THIS IS THE ORIGINAL RELEASE OF VERSION 1.8.0. 14 INCLUDES FIXES UP TO AND INCLUDING NUMBER 126. 15 16 FIXES APPLIED: 17 NONE 18 19 VER: SSANAME RELEASE Jul 14 1997 13:01:12 20 PROG: ssabssa BRZ Jul 14 1997 13:00:40 21 DATE: Sep 16 1997 22 TIME: 15:06:00 23 24 SERVICE GROUP: n3sgau 25 REPORTING ALGORITHM PERSON 26 DATA FROM ALGORITHM: 27 RL : 100 28 ALT : Y 29 L/R : R 30 CP : N 31 KEY : 15 32 KST : 20 33 WST : 8 34 STB : 21 35 OCN : 36 OFT : SWNNNNNNNN 37 ....+....1....+....2....+....3 38 OST : 39 ONM : NCNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA 40 CLN : n3cn CLN Jul 16 1997 11:11:20 41 FMT : n3ften FMT Jul 16 1997 11:11:21 42 STD : n3stcnr STD Sep 1 1997 17:33:43 43 CS : n3cs 3CS Jul 4 1997 15:06:17 44 EL : n3elaup 3EL Sep 1 1997 14:33:39 45 TB : n3tbaup 3TB Aug 12 1997 10:23:24 46 47 DATA FROM AUTHORIZATION: 48 RL : 100 49 ALT : Y 50 L/R : R 51 CP : N 52 KEY : 15 53 KST : 20 54 WST : 8 55 STB : 21 56 OCN : 57 OFT : SWNNNNNNNN 58 ....+....1....+....2....+....3 59 OST : 60 ONM : NCNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA SERVICE: BROWSE TYPE: BROWSE ALG: WSIZE: 62 SSIZE: 504 RESP: 00 FUNC: 1 PAGE: 0002 ALG: PERSON 01 AUT : n3auaup 3SG Sep 1 1997 17:35:07 02 CLN : n3cn CLN Jul 16 1997 11:11:20 03 FMT : n3ften FMT Jul 16 1997 11:11:21 04 STD : n3stcnr STD Sep 1 1997 17:33:43 05 CS : n3cs 3CS Jul 4 1997 15:06:17 06 EL : n3elaup 3EL Sep 1 1997 14:33:39 07 TB : n3tbaup 3TB Aug 12 1997 10:23:24 08 --- : ssan3au 3AU Jul 16 1997 11:13:18 09 --- : ssan3au --DONE-- Sep 01 1997 17:35:06
This is a formatted output from the Test-bed, the line numbers are NOT part of the returned data, the "screen" is 60 lines of 80 characters each. The following is a description of the contents of each line in the above example:
  • 01-05 The standard copyright notice.
  • 06-08 Optional message, depends on the banner module, you may get a different message or none at all.
  • 17 Browse Service own signature
  • 19 Date when Service performed
  • 20 Time when Service performed
  • 22 Service Group name
  • 23 Algorithm name
  • 24-43 Information from actual Algorithm components
  • 25 Name length.
  • 26 Alternate key options: Y or N
  • 27 Name Format: L or R
  • 28 Compatibility option: Y or N
  • 29 Key format: 12, 15 or 17
  • 30 Key-stack size
  • 31 Word-stack size
  • 32 Search-table size
  • 33 Cleaning options
  • 34 Formatting options
  • 35 Ruler
  • 36 Word Stabilization options
  • 37 NAME3 options
  • 38 Cleaning signature
  • 39 Formatting User Exit signature
  • 40 Word Stabilization signature
  • 41 Character-set signature
  • 42 Edit List signature
  • 43 Frequency table signature
  • 45-05 Information from the Authorization module, same as 24-43
  • 06 Authorization program signature
  • 07 Authorization program execution signature


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