Service Group Application Reference

Service Group Application Reference

How an Application Processes the Search-table

How an Application Processes the Search-table

The way in which a Search Application should process the Search-table depends on the mode of search: on-line or batch, and the type of search ranges in the table: Positive, Negative or Probes. To help choose an appropriate Search Strategy for your application, refer to the
Tips on Choosing a Search Strategy
A search range identifies a complete logical set of records and should be processed in its entirety or not at all. The subject of the rest of this section is on how to use a search range to retrieve records from a database, and which search ranges to use. When the phrase ’processing a search range’ is used, it means both the reading of records from the database and the Matching of those records against the search record.

Preferred Key

The Preferred Key would normally only be used for searching when a very close match is required. The Preferred Key will return names which have similar words in the same order as the search name. The number of words used in the search key is subject to the number of words in the search name, and their commonality. There is no user control over the number of words used in a Preferred search key, as there is with a Search-table.
Examples of the shortcomings of using the Preferred Key only are:
  • a search on JOHN FRANK may not return JOHN M FRANK
  • a search on JOHN FRANK will not return FRANK JOHNS
The Preferred key would be used for searching when the database also contained only the Preferred key. It could also be used as the first logical level in a Positive Search-table in order to start with the narrowest search possible.
The order of words in the Preferred Key is always:
MAJOR WORD+1$^{ST}$_MINOR(+2$^{ND}$_MINOR+3$^{RD}$_MINOR+4$^{th}$_INITIAL)
The selection of which word is the Major Word, and what order the Minor Words should take, is controlled by settings in the Algorithm. The number of words used to build the key is controlled by the Frequency Table and internal encoding methods. For more information on these issues, see the Algorithm Definition/Tips on Customizing an Algorithm section of the

Positive Search-table

The Positive Search-table, or Cascade, consists of progressively widening search ranges. A positive Search-table is always returned unless the
is specified.
Every range in a Positive Search-table is built from the name in the ’Preferred Key’ word order and each successive range will use less of the input name (e.g. a three word name is entered range 1 uses three words (WWW); range 2 uses two words and an initial (WWI); range 3 uses two words (WW)). The difference between the Preferred key and the first range of a Positive Search-table is that the latter can find names with the words in any order, provided that Positive or Negative keys have been stored, as well as names with additional words.
When probes (
Functions: 1WORD, 2WORD, NWORD,
– Code Probe) or special search ranges (
) are also requested, these are returned at the start of the Search-table, before the cascade ranges. Secondary ranges use the same
value as the positive search table. Custom ranges tend to be, but are not always, narrower search ranges than the first positive range this is determined by the person that defined the Customset definitions. For information on how to process such probes and ranges, prior to processing the Positive Search-table, see the
On-line Positive Search and Batch Positive Search
sections below.

Inclusive Search Range Processing

The Positive search ranges are also referred to as ’inclusive sets’, because each successive range includes the ranges prior to it in the Search-table. Following is a Positive Search-table example for 5-byte binary keys showing how the Start-keys progressively get lower and the End-keys progressively get higher.
PREFERRED-KEY: F19EBB4000 Start-key End-key POS RANGE 1: F19EBB4000 F19EBB7FFF 40 00 30 G4 C 00 WWW* POS RANGE 2: F19EBAC000 F19EBD7FFF 55 00 21 F3 C 00 WWI* POS RANGE 3: F19E800000 F19EBFFFFF 60 13 20 F4 C 00 WW* POS RANGE 4: F19D800000 F1A03FFFFF 75 16 11 D5 C 00 WI* POS RANGE 5: F180000000 F1BFFFFFFF 80 28 10 D6 C 00 W* POS RANGE 6: F080000000 F43FFFFFFF 95 35 01 A8 C 00 I* END OF TABLE: 0000000000 FFFFFFFFFF 00 49 00 A9 C 00 *
To find the records identified by Search-range 1, the following example SQL could be used.
The key values would not normally be hard-coded in the SQL statement, this is done for demonstration purposes.
and, to find the records identified by Search-range 2, when prompted:

Exclusive Search Range Processing

Avoiding the re-reading of previously read records has obvious performance advantages. This is known as ’exclusive’ set processing, as processing each successive search range excludes the records from the ranges before it. Exclusive set processing is only appropriate if:
  • when processing a search range, the records found in previous search ranges are no longer required (e.g. the user does not want to see them on the screen); or
  • the search application uses a program array to hold the found records from each range.
The following example SQL shows how to process the first two ranges of the above Search-table as ’exclusive’ sets:
To find the records identified by Search-range 1:
To find the records identified by Search-range 2, when prompted, requires breaking that range into two distinct ranges. The first range starts at the Start-key for Range 2 and ends at Start-key for Range 1. The second range starts at the End-key for Range 1 and ends at the End-key for Range 2. This is shown by the following example:

How Much of the Search-table to Process

As can be seen in the Search-table example in ’Inclusive Search Range Processing’ above, the widest search range generated is the one based on the first character of the major word. This search range is mainly included for the sake of completeness and, in all but the rarest of applications, would never be used.
So how wide should an application search? At what search level or search range should it stop? The answer is that it should stop when the search range about to be processed is considered too wide, either from a performance or a quality point of view.
The meaning of ’too wide’ will differ from environment to environment, however, the means by which the width is measured is the same. The width (or depth) of a search can be measured by checking either the ’Scale’ or ’Contents’ fields in the Search-table entry. For example, a Scale of greater than ’23’ (approximately 200 records), or a Contents less than ’11’ (one word & one initial) may be considered too wide. How wide a Positive Search-table goes can also be controlled by the NAMESET
For example, a value of
would be the same as the application stopping when the Contents was less than ’11’.

On-line Positive Search

When an on-line search application requests a Positive Search-table, the typical approach is to process one search range at a time and display the results of that search range back to the user. The user should be given the option to ’widen the search’. If a widen search request is received, the application would then process the next search range in the Search-table returning the results from that range to the user.
If probes are requested (1WORD, 2WORD, NWORD) these should be processed in the same way as a normal Positive search range. In other words, process the probe range and return the results to the user, waiting for a prompt from the user before processing the next probe/range. These probes have a Set-id of ’C’ for this reason.
Other probes or ranges which can precede a positive search table and which may need to be processed differently, have a different Set-id. Customset probes/ranges have a Set-id of ’P’, Secondary Name ranges have a Set-id of ’2’, and Code Probes have a Set-id of ’S’. Normal processing would be to process each complete Set-id as one ’logical’ range. For example, if there are three entries at the top of the Search-table with a Set-id of 'P', process all three entries before returning to the user with the results. If the user chooses to widen the search, proceed then with the next range.
Following is an example Positive Search-table with Customset ranges:
PREFERRED-KEY: F19EBB4000 Start-key End-key CUSTOM PROBE 1: F19E800000 F19EBFFFFF 60 13 20 F4 P 00 WW! CUSTOM PROBE 2: F1A0000000 F1A0000003 55 00 20 D3 P 00 WI! CUSTOM PROBE 3: F180000000 F180000003 80 28 10 D6 P 00 W! POS RANGE 1: F19E800000 F19EBFFFFF 60 13 20 F4 C 01 WW* POS RANGE 2: F19D800000 F1A03FFFFF 75 16 11 D5 C 01 WI* POS RANGE 3: F180000000 F1BFFFFFFF 80 28 10 D6 C 01 W* POS RANGE 4: F080000000 F43FFFFFFF 95 35 01 A8 C 01 I* END OF TABLE: 0000000000 FFFFFFFFFF 00 49 00 A9 C 01 *

Batch Positive Search

Using a positive Search-table in batch is different than on-line because there is no one to show the results of an individual search to and no one who can direct the program to widen the search.
For the sake of good performance, such a batch process should either, process only one selected search range from the table, or process the ranges as ’exclusive sets’ stopping at a pre-determined depth.
Processing only one search range requires either the use of the
Function keywords, or requires the program to search through the Search-table looking for the required Contents or Scale value.
Processing the ranges as exclusive sets stopping at a pre-determined depth requires use of the
Function keyword, or for the program to check the Contents or Scale values of each range it is about to process. This might be an approach used if the intent was to stop the search as soon as the first ’match’ was found.
There is normally no sense in requesting the 1WORD, 2WORD or NWORD probes for batch positive searches, as the records found would be found again in the first search range. The only exception to this would be if the intention of the application was to find only the first record that matched, and to return quickly.
Special search probes or ranges, i.e. Customset and/or Secondary ranges, definitely have a place in batch positive searches. If specified these would normally be processed in their entirety before proceeding to the Positive Search-table.

Negative Search-table

The Negative Search-table consists of a number of search ranges of equal value i.e. equal value to the outcome of the search. The ranges sometimes overlap, but more or less represent distinct sets of records. A negative Search-table is requested by the
Every range in a Negative Search-table is built from different combinations of words from the search name, all representing the same depth of search. In other words, negative search ranges will either be all at the two word level (WW) or all at the word/initial level (WI) or all at some other chosen level.
When Probes are also requested for a Negative Search-table (
Functions: PROBESWORD, PROBESINIT, PROBESALL, 1WORD, 2WORD, NWORD), these are returned at the start of the Search-table and all tend to be narrower searches than the other negative ranges.
Likewise, special search ranges, (CUSTOMSET and SECONDARY) are also generated at the start of the Search-table. Secondary search ranges will have the same depth as the Negative search ranges, however Custom search ranges may be any depth, as determined by the person who has customized the ranges.
Following is a Negative Search-table example for 5-byte keys.
PREFERRED-KEY: F19EBB4000 Start-key End-key NEG RANGE 1: F19E800000 F19EBFFFFF 60 13 20 F4 N 00 WW* NEG RANGE 2: F1BB400000 F1BB7FFFFF 60 08 20 F4 N 00 WW* NEG RANGE 3: F95E800000 F95EBFFFFF 60 16 20 F4 N 00 WW* NEG RANGE 4: F978000000 F9783FFFFF 60 09 20 F4 N 00 WW* NEG RANGE 5: C23B400000 C23B7FFFFF 60 17 20 F4 N 00 WW* NEG RANGE 6: C238000000 C2383FFFFF 60 15 20 F4 N 00 WW* NEG RANGE 7: C5A7E38000 C5A7E383FF 55 00 20 B3 N 00 WW* NEG RANGE 8: FD2275E800 FD2275EBFF 55 00 20 B3 N 00 WW* END OF TABLE: 0000000000 FFFFFFFFFF 00 49 00 A9 N 00 *
To process a Negative Search-table, the application should process each search range with a Set-id of 'N' and a Depth that is not equal to ’00’ in order to consider the search complete.
If probes are requested, they are placed in the Search-table before the negative ranges. Probes of type PROBESWORD, PROBESINIT or PROBESALL should be considered as belonging to, and processed along with, the negative search ranges, even though they have different Set-id’s (Word Probes have a Set-id of 'W', Word/Initial Probes have a Set-id of 'I'). Following is an example of a Negative Search-table with PROBESWORD.
PREFERRED-KEY: F19EBB4000 Start-key End-key WORD PROBE 1: C200000000 C200000003 61 37 10 DT W 00 W! WORD PROBE 2: F940000000 F940000003 61 31 10 DT W 01 W! WORD PROBE 3: F180000000 F180000003 61 28 10 DT W 02 W! NEG RANGE 1: F19E800000 F19EBFFFFF 60 13 20 F4 N 03 WW* NEG RANGE 2: F1BB400000 F1BB7FFFFF 60 08 20 F4 N 03 WW* NEG RANGE 3: F95E800000 F95EBFFFFF 60 16 20 F4 N 03 WW* NEG RANGE 4: F978000000 F9783FFFFF 60 09 20 F4 N 03 WW* NEG RANGE 5: C23B400000 C23B7FFFFF 60 17 20 F4 N 03 WW* NEG RANGE 6: C238000000 C2383FFFFF 60 15 20 F4 N 03 WW* NEG RANGE 7: C5A7E38000 C5A7E383FF 55 00 20 B3 N 03 WW* NEG RANGE 8: FD2275E800 FD2275EBFF 55 00 20 B3 N 03 WW* END OF TABLE: 0000000000 FFFFFFFFFF 00 49 00 A9 N 03 *
Custom and Secondary search ranges should also be considered as belonging to the negative search table and processed in the same manner as the other ranges.

On-line Negative Search

An on-line application which requests a Negative Search-table, should normally process all Word Probes (Set-id = 'W'), all Word/Initial Probes (Set-id = 'I'), all Custom ranges (Set-id = 'P'), all Secondary ranges (Set-id = '2') and all Negative ranges (Set-id = 'N') except where the Depth field is 00, before returning to the user with the results.
It is also possible, by defining appropriate Customset ranges, to build a combined Positive/Negative Search-table. In this case, the Customset ranges take on the characteristic of Positive ranges, and are processed one at a time with results returned to the user at the end of each range. When the last Customset range has been processed, and the user selects to widen the search, the application would go into processing all the remaining negative ranges at one time before returning with the results.
The following example shows a Search-table generated by a combination of the CUSTOMSET, NEG and START=WW functions, where the Customset ranges have been defined to mimic a Positive Search-table up to the point where the negative search takes over.
PREFERRED-KEY: 9B20538000 Start-key End-key CUSTOM RANGE 1: 9B20538000 9B2053BFFF 40 00 30 G4 P 00 WWW* CUSTOM RANGE 2: 9B20530000 9B2055FFFF 55 00 21 F3 P 00 WWI* NEG RANGE 1: 9B20400000 9B207FFFFF 60 00 20 F4 N 01 WW* NEG RANGE 2: 9B13800000 9B13BFFFFF 60 00 20 F4 N 01 WW* NEG RANGE 3: B560400000 B5607FFFFF 60 00 20 F4 N 01 WW* NEG RANGE 4: DBE4FCC000 DBE4FCC3FF 55 00 20 B3 N 01 WW* NEG RANGE 5: B78FEE0400 B78FEE07FF 55 00 20 B3 N 01 WW* END OF TABLE: 0000000000 FFFFFFFFFF 00 30 00 A9 N 01 *

Batch Negative Search

A batch application which requests a Negative Search-table, should process all search ranges whatever the Set-id, except where the Depth field is 00, before considering the search complete.


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