Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Major Concepts
  4. Prototyping
  5. The Design Issues
  6. Standard Population Choices
  7. Customer Identification Systems
  8. Identity Screening Systems
  9. Fraud and Intelligence Systems
  10. Marketing Systems

Best Practices Guide

Best Practices Guide

Multi-Country Support

Multi-Country Support

Because SSA-NAME3 is ready to deal with various populations of data, it is practical to build systems in a manner that allows the same system to be deployed for many countries.
It is also practical to build systems where the data in one database is mixed from several countries. It is possible to "tune" critical systems to handle the fact that the searches are being generated in one country’s language and character set yet the database has been built according to international rules so that it is usable in many countries.
In countries like Greece, or Israel, where both Roman character forms of names and addresses as well as the local country language and character forms are common, SSA-NAME3 allows searching and matching from Roman form to local language and vice versa.
SSA-NAME3 comes with Standard Population rule sets for over 50 countries and languages. These Standard Population sets include all of the Key Building, Search Strategy and Matching services required to effectively search and match on identity data sourced from that country and character set.
Informatica can also generate Custom Populations for new countries or for unusual searching and matching requirements.


SSA-NAME3 CJK-SUPPORT is the name given to a separately licensable product that expands the full facilities of SSA-NAME3 to handle the special nature of Chinese, Japanese and Korean data. Its features include the ability to recognize and encode double-byte characters in names and addresses and handle special representations of Chinese numbers. It also supports the mixed use of local phonetic (for example, Katakana) and Roman, often used to record foreign names and addresses in these countries.

Unicode Support

SSA-NAME3 also supports Unicode source data. For more information on how to use and specify Unicode input, see the


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