Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Major Concepts
  4. Prototyping
  5. The Design Issues
  6. Standard Population Choices
  7. Customer Identification Systems
  8. Identity Screening Systems
  9. Fraud and Intelligence Systems
  10. Marketing Systems

Best Practices Guide

Best Practices Guide

Choosing the Mode of Search

Choosing the Mode of Search

The following factors may help you choose between an online search prototype and a batch prototype:
  • What is the main purpose for evaluating or purchasing SSA-NAME3?
  • How quickly does the prototype need to be delivered?
  • What are the analyst/programmers skills?
For example, if the main purpose for using SSA-NAME3 is for batch file matching, or the prototype needs to be delivered quickly and either the analyst/programmer does not have online skills or the online environment is difficult to build in, then a batch program could be the right choice, otherwise an online program is usually more interesting and the results are easier to present to others.


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