Service Group Application Reference

Service Group Application Reference



The Word Stabilization Service will call theWord Stabilization Routine defined in the Algorithm Definition. For example, the name of the English Stabilization routine is:
- The faststart country Algorithms supplied with the product will contain pre-defined Stabilization routines, and these do not normally require changing.
The actual effect a Call to the Word Stabilization Service will have on the word depends on which Stabilization routine is being used. However, most routines process a word in four phases.

Phase 1 - Head of Word Processing

In this phase, the head of the word is examined for one or more characters, as pre-defined in the routine, and if a match is found, a replacement is made. For example, a common rule is:

Phase 2 - Tail of Word Processing

The next step is to examine the tail or end of the word for one or more characters, as pre-defined in the routine, and if a match is found, a replacement is made. For example, a common rule is:

Phase 3 - Middle of Word Processing

Next, the rest of the word is examined for one or more characters, as pre-defined in the routine, and if a match is found, a replacement is made. For example, two common rules are:
MN vowelA

Phase 4 - Final Processing

Lastly, the tail of the word is examined. A common final processing rule is:


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